What is the Best Oral Antibiotic for Acne?

Acne vulgaris or simply acne means a skin problem that usually starts with the clogging up of skin pores due to dead skin cells and oil present in the face. When you have only few numbers of pimples or red spots, you deal with a mild type of acne.

However, severe acne indicates formation of about hundreds of pimples covering your neck, face, back and chest. Even acne vulgaris may take place in the form of cysts, which are of excessively bigger in size and present in the form of red and solid lumps as well as they create intensive pain.

Acne vulgaris or acne treatment depends mainly on the presence of bacteria or inflammation of the skin. Few of them are of comedonal acne, which consists of only red bumps on face and other skin areas without any open sore.

If you are dealing with comedonal acne type of acne problem, you may easily cure it by applying few tropical oral antibiotics and creams, as they work in the best possible way to deal with the situation. However, if inflammation or bacteria remain present along with open skin sores, you should definitely go for better options, like for instance oral antibiotic medicines.

What is the Best Oral Antibiotic for Acne?

What is the Best Oral Antibiotic for Acne?

Until now, doctors and skin specialists have recommended for following different types of tropical and oral antibiotic medications to treat the acne problem.


Clindamycin is a type of oral antibiotic medicine and it is helpful in treatment of serious bacterial infections in human body, including the problem of acne on face and other areas of the skin.

How to Use Clindamycin for Treating Acne?

Acne patients should take this capsule with full one glass of water to avoid throat irritation. Furthermore, you should measure the level of oral liquid by using a special medicine cup or a dose-measuring spoon/syringe.

Doxycycline Calcium Syrup

Similar to clindamycin, doxycycline calcium syrup is also helpful oral antibiotic in the treatment of almost every disease, including acne caused due to infections from bacteria or from inflammation. However, other than acne treatment, it also treats malaria. Doxycycline categorizes itself as a tetracycline type of oral antibiotic, because of which it restricts the growth of harmful bacteria in human skin.

How to Use Doxycycline Calcium Syrup for Acne?

Acne patients should take this antibiotic medicine orally either on without eating anything or minimum 1 hour before/ after the intake of a meal. Doctors usually direct patients taking the medicine for 1 or 2 times in a day and that too with a glass full of water.


Erythromycin categorizes itself under the group of macrolide antibiotic drugs. Hence, it primarily slows down the growth or formation of or may even kill sensitive bacteria responsible for causing the problem of skin acne. In addition, the oral antibiotic medicine reduces the production of every possible necessary nutrients, which result in the survival of harmful bacteria.

How to Use Erythromycin for Acne?

You should take Erythromycin oral antibiotic medication orally or in the way, prescribed by the doctor and often before you take any meal. If you want to get the best result, you should intake it with an empty stomach for your acne problem. However, if you face the problem of nausea, you may have the medicine with milk.

Tetracycline HCL

Tetracycline HCL is another effective oral antibiotic medication available for acne treatment. It fights with the harmful bacteria to treat the problem of severe Acne problem. In addition, it deals with bacterial infections, which take place in intestines, skin, lymph nodes, respiratory tract and several other systems of a human body.

How to Use Tetracycline HCL for Acne Treatment?

Tetracycline HCL, as similar to any other oral antibiotics gives its best performance with an empty stomach. Alternatively, if you suffer from the problem of stomach disorder, you should take the medicine orally along with your food for your acne.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:January 29, 2018

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