MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus infection) is caused by bacteria that have become resistant to methicillin and other antibiotics.
Does Lysol Or Clorox Wipes Kill MRSA?
Lysol or Clorox wipes both may be beneficial in killing MRSA. Both the manufacturers claim that they can kill MRSA 100% effectively. However, there are many variants of these products and not all variants may be necessarily certified as effective against killing MRSA. Hence, it is advisable to check the labels to see if the variant specifically mentions that it is tested to be efficient at killing MRSA. Moreover, these disinfectants pose serious health threat and are harsh on the environment too, as most of these contain various chemicals and poisonous substances, that are not good for the body in the long run. They are known to cause serious health hazards like various cancers because of their high toxicity levels. Moreover, most of them are not safe for kids and pets. It is most essential to check the labels first and then go for these disinfectants that are lined up attractively on the supermarket shelf and that are advertised open and wide, despite their poisonous chemical compositions.
Also, upon ingestion, these toxins and chemicals can create a toxic burden on the body. This toxic burden weakens your immune system. A compromised immune system may mean an increased susceptibility to various diseases.
These wipes can come in handy when there is no other solution or option to take preventive and curative measures against MRSA. However, there are other methods of disinfection, that are equally effective and comparatively easy on your body and the environment. Let us have a look at these methods of disinfection-
Preventive Measures For MRSA
Prevention Of HA-MRSA
- In hospitals and other healthcare facilities, people who are infected with MRSA are separated
- Those attending and visiting the MRSA-infected persons may require wearing protective gowns and garments as per the protocol
- The attendants and the visitors both need to follow a strict hygiene protocol
- Exposed surfaces, equipment and laundry should be properly disinfected
Prevention Of CA-MRSA
Hand Sanitization-
- Washing the hands carefully and regularly with soap and water is the best way to ensure that the pathogens do not spread
- Scrubbing the hands quickly for at least 15 seconds is required to get rid of all the germs on your hands
- It is recommended to carry a small bottle of sanitizer with you wherever you go, especially at places where water and soap are not readily available
Covering Wounds-
- Keeping the wounds, cuts and abrasions covered with dry, sterile bandages will ensure that the wound does not transfer the MRSA to other, healthy people.
- Also, if you are not infected, covering the wounds will help you keep yourself protected from an MRSA infection as well
Not Sharing Personal Belongings-
- You must not share personal items like washcloths, bedsheets, towels, undergarments etc.
- MRSA can spread through contaminated or exposed objects and surfaces, as well as through direct contact
Shower After Sports-
- It is best to shower with soap and water after sports, especially contact sports like wrestling
- This is to eliminate any chances of getting affected through direct contact
Sanitizing The Laundry-
- If you are affected with MRSA and you have a cut or a wound on your skin, it is essential to wash your exposed clothes and linen in washing machine in the hottest setting It is also recommended to dry clothes immediately in hot machine settings, instead of air drying
- The heat will kill all the bacteria and eliminate chances of contamination
Avoiding Illicit Drugs-
- Intravenous route is a good and easy pathway for the bacteria to enter your body and cause infection
- Hence, it is advisable to stayaway from illicit drugs and their intravenous administration
- Lysol or Clorox wipes are good at killing MRSA. They come in handy especially in absence of other disinfectants.
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