Effectiveness of Imdur & It’s Dosage, Side Effects

Effectiveness of Imdur

Effectiveness of Imdur

Imdur also known as isosorbide mononitrate which is a nitrate focusing in dilating blood vessels in other words it widens the vessels. This makes it easier for blood flow and better heart pumping.

Imdur or isosorbide mononitrate is an effective treatment mainly used to prevent chest pain or angina attacks. Imdur or isosorbide mononitrate effectively prevents angina attacks and does not prevent which has begun already.

  • You must get immediate medical help if you experience any symptom of heart attack such as sweating, pain spreading to shoulder or jaw, chest pain, general ill feeling, sweating.
  • You should not stop taking imdur or isosorbide mononitrate all of a sudden as it will cause severe angina attack.
  • When you first take this medicine there is lot of possibilities to experience severe headache. As you take the medicine on a regular basis, these headaches will reduce gradually. You must always ask your doctor even before you take medicines for headache as well and do not stop taking Imdur without doctor’s knowledge.
  • You can have this medicine on a regular basis in order to avoid angina attack. Therefore, it is important to refill your prescription before you run out of medicines.

Points to Know Before Taking Imdur

Do not take this medicine if you are:

  • Allergic to isosorbide dinitrate, isosorbide mononitrate, nitroglycerin
  • Experience symptoms of heart attach such as pain spreading to shoulder or jaw, chest pain, nausea, pressure in chest area, sweating

In order to make imdur or isosorbide mononitrate safe, tell your doctor if you have any of these conditions.

  • Kidney disease
  • Low blood pressure,
  • congestive heart failure

It is rather unknown for now if imdur or isosorbide mononitrate can harm unborn baby. Therefore tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

Also, it is not sure if imdur or isosorbide mononitrate will pass through breast milk and affect the feeding child. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor if you are breast feeding a baby.

How to Take Imdur?

It is important to take imdur or isosorbide mononitrate as prescribed and advice by your doctor. Also check for all instructions and guidelines mentioned on the package and label. There are possibilities for your doctor to change your dosage of medication from time to time to help you get better results. It is important to ensure you take only doctors recommended dosage and not in larger or smaller quantity. In case you end up taking more than the prescribed levels, the medicine will stop working and would also ruin your health condition.

There are possibilities of you experiencing fainting or dizziness while taking this imdur or isosorbide mononitrate therefore tries to sit or rest while taking it.

It is important to swallow imdur or isosorbide mononitrate as it is without breaking, chewing, crushing.

While taking imdur or isosorbide mononitrate you might experience low blood pressure. If you feel any unusual reactions to imdur or isosorbide mononitrate such as unusual sweating, nonstop diarrhea or vomiting, get immediate help from your doctor. If this medical condition prolongs for a longer time you will get imbalance in electrolyte counts which will also make this medicine dangerous.

In order to prevent angina attack have this medicine regularly. Before you run out of your medicines, make sure to refill your prescription.

It is important not to stop taking imdur or isosorbide mononitrate all of a sudden as it will cause severe angina attack. Therefore keep this medicine handy always. Ensure you refill your prescription on a timely basis so you won’t run out of it.

Imdur or isosorbide mononitrate has to be stored away from light, heat and moisture and stored at room temperature. Also, close the bottle lid tightly when you are not using it.

What is the Suggested Dosage of Imdur?

Treatment for Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis – Adult Dosage

Extended Release

It has to be taken one time in the morning orally – 30 to 60 milligrams.

Maximum dosage: taken only one time orally in the morning – 240 milligrams.

Have imdur or isosorbide mononitrate with a glass full of water instead of crushing, or chewing.

Imdur or isosorbide mononitrate is to prevent angina pectoris that occurs due to coronary artery disease. In order to prevent acute angina episode it is necessary to start treatment at the earliest.

Imdur or Isosorbide Mononitrate for Angina Pectoris – Regular Adult Dosage

Extended Release

Take imdur or isosorbide mononitrate dosage, one time in the morning orally – 30 to 60 milligrams.

Maximum dosage: One time in the morning – 240 milligrams.

Have the tablet by swallowing it whole without crushing or chewing.

For elderly parents start with minimum dosage levels.

Imdur or isosorbide mononitrate is to effectively prevent angina pectoris that occurs due to coronary artery disease. In order to prevent acute angina episode it is necessary to start treatment at the earliest.

What are the Side Effects of Imdur?

If you experience any of these imdur or isosorbide mononitrate side effects or allergic reactions, call your doctor and get immediate help. The allergic reactions are swelling of lips, face, throat, tongue, difficulty in breathing, hives.

Also call your doctor if you have any of these as well:

  • Worsening angina pain
  • Light headed feeling like fainting
  • Fluttering in your chest
  • Pounding heartbeats
  • Slow or fast heart rate.

Imdur or isosorbide mononitrate can give you severe headaches. However they will slowly reduce on the course of regular medicine intake. Do not stop taking imdur or isosorbide mononitrate hoping it will cease the headache and consult your doctor even before you take any medicines for headache.

Other common side effects of imdur or isosorbide mononitrate are:

  • Flushing (tingly feeling, redness, warmth)
  • Headache is also a side effect of imdur or isosorbide mononitrate.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 5, 2019

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