Translucent Teeth or Transparent Teeth
When you look in the mirror, do the edges of your teeth seem translucent? Is this realization alarming you? Relax! Translucent teeth are a common concern. You may need to consult a dentist, but it is not a dental emergency. Some people have translucent teeth since their infant days while others develop it as they grow older. Our teeth must always be opaque and any translucence in the teeth simply indicates an underlying cause, which needs to be examined and treated in time.
Causes of Translucent Teeth or Transparent Teeth
The exterior layer of the teeth, or enamel, is a semi-translucent material which gives the teeth part of their white color. The secondary layer, or dentin, differs from off-white to yellow to grey, giving the teeth the rest of their color. As the dentin layer does not extend to the edges of the teeth, the tips may seem clear, bluish white or even grey as a result of the enamel. But the enamel can erode for a number of reasons, and in certain cases, it never forms properly. Without enamel, the teeth can appear to be dull, waxy or translucent (transparent).
Here are some of the common causes of translucent teeth or transparent teeth. The following conditions affect the formation of the enamel and make the teeth appear transparent.
Celiac Disease
Most often, celiac disease is thought to be related only to gastrointestinal problems arising from gluten consumption. However, celiac disease is also responsible for causing poor development of enamel and can be one of the important causes of translucent teeth or transparent teeth. One who suffers from this medical condition often has teeth with translucent regions, banding or pitting. Oral symptoms like recurrent canker sores, atrophic glossitis or dry mouth can also occur.
Enamel Hypoplasia
Enamel hypoplasia impacts the teeth during their developmental stages and can occur in both primary and permanent teeth. This defect is another common cause of translucent teeth or transparent teeth. Individuals suffering from this defect generally have thin, chalky and weak enamel, which makes their teeth appear translucent and whatever bit of enamel they have wears away rapidly. In certain cases, the tooth also forms without any enamel as the result of which the dentin gets fully exposed.
Acid Erosion
Acid erosion is also one of the commonest causes of translucent teeth or transparent teeth. Teeth stay the healthiest in a mild alkaline environment. Studies have shown that individuals with an oral pH level of 7.0 or higher tend to have fewer cavities and lesser dental decay than ones with lower oral pH levels. Moreover, pH levels below 5.5 can cause demineralization of the dental enamel. People who regularly consume highly acidic foods are at greater risk of premature enamel loss. Also those who bleach their teeth to the point of enamel loss may end up having translucent teeth.
Ways to Fix Translucent Teeth or Transparent Teeth
Although some degree of enamel loss is common for many people, for extreme enamel wear off, treatment may be required. Some may opt for dental treatments for cosmetic reasons, so that they can enjoy a consistent coloring and a flawless smile. There are various ways to fix translucent teeth or transparent teeth.
Dental treatments can help the teeth regain its solid white color, which you can use to fix translucent teeth or transparent teeth. These include
Dental Bonding – This is one of the most popular ways to fix translucent teeth or transparent teeth. Dental bonding comprises of a resin which the dentist colors to match the patient’s teeth. They can shape and mould the resin to conceal tooth discoloration and the dental imperfections. In the process of bonding, the dentist gently etches the teeth to provide the resin a better hold, and then they shape, cure and polish the bond to make it look as natural as possible.
Veneers – Veneers are hard porcelain shells which are made to sit in the front of the teeth. These prove effective in hiding the gaps between the teeth, tooth discoloration and dental deformity. This too is one of the effective ways to fix translucent or transparent teeth. In the veneer process, the dentist scans the patient’s teeth to create a mould that ideally matches the natural appearance and shape of the teeth. A small part of the enamel may also be removed in order to allow the porcelain shell to sit in perfect alignment with the other teeth.
Dental Crown – Ceramic or porcelain crowns fit on top of the teeth to give them the right structure and strength. Considering the level of damage to the patient’s enamel, the dentist may advise them to undergo a dental crown treatment to restore and protect the teeth. This way to fix translucent or transparent teeth has also gained much popularity. In the dental crown procedure, the dentist takes an impression of the patient’s tooth to create a mould for the dental crown. They then put this crown on the prepared tooth and cement it into place.
Additionally, as you know the causes of translucent teeth or transparent teeth, make sure you avoid those, which you can control. You can reduce your intake of sour foods that produce more acids and also focus more on cleaning the oral cavity properly. For people who experience water brash or hyperacidity may need to treat it to protect your teeth. Drinking plenty of water also helps to neutralize acid problems and keep oral cavity healthy. These are some of the effective ways to fix transparent or translucent teeth.
If you are worried about the color of your teeth and if you have translucent or transparent teeth, there are various ways to deal with it. Seek a dentist’s opinion right away for translucent teeth! The dental experts can rightly assess the extent of your enamel loss and advice the best approach for restoring your teeth to perfect condition.
With the right dental treatment, healthy lifestyle and a nutritious diet, you can get back your pearly white teeth and your stunning smile back in no time.