The diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease will change the life of a person forever. Although in the beginning, people fear from the presence of the illness, many choose to opt for a second chance to confirm the condition. It is crucial to remember the fact that diagnosing Parkinson’s disease is very difficult and one may not receive accurate results. The reason is that the symptoms shown by a person are mild. An interesting factor is that many of the signs displayed by the patient occur due to other health conditions. Due to this, even the best physician or the best neurologist finds it difficult to confirm the presence of Parkinson’s disease.
Rather than choosing an experienced doctor, it is preferable to head consultation with movement disorder specialist, as it will speed up the recognition of the presence of the condition of Parkinson’s disease. A doctor who understands the situation and your desire for a second opinion will always assist you throughout the process.
Nonetheless, remember that none of the insurance policies covers the second opinion.
How Do People Die of Parkinson’s?
All the doctors say that Parkinson’s disease itself is not terminal. A patient does not die because of Parkinson’s disease, but they die along with it. However, people die because of the side effects that appear over the period because of the worsening condition of Parkinson’s disease. For instance, people declared having the advanced stage of the disease, find themselves in the critical state of swallowing food that leads to extraction of the food into the lungs. Such a scenario causes pneumonia or other pulmonary diseases. Due to improper motor abilities, the patient attains imbalance condition, making it difficult for him/her to stand in appropriate position. They can fall suddenly at any time and place, causing severe injuries that eventually lead to death. The seriousness involved in any of the cases depends on the severity of the condition of the Parkinson’s disease, gender, age, and other health conditions.
What Does It Mean To Have Parkinson’s Disease?
If your diagnosis turns positive for the Parkinson’s disease, then do not worry, as you still have the chance to lead a productive life by making a alterations. If Parkinson’s disease is detected in the early stages, then it is possible to keep the symptoms in check by controlling the food that you eat and with the aid of medicines. However, the effectiveness of the medication ceases over a period and produces side effects. There is a surgical method, called as deep brain stimulation (DBS), to cure the condition of Parkinson’s disease. But, due to the high risks involved with the procedure, many patients or for that reason, a neurologist, never prefers the same to any patient. Choosing the operation is only useful for patients when the medicines do not show any effect, and the symptoms are worsening over the period.
After from controlling the food and consuming medicines, it is likewise meaningful to add exercises to the daily routine. It will help in keeping a check on the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Progression of the Parkinson’s Disease
Due to the uniqueness of displaying the symptoms at a different rate, Parkinson’s disease acquires the name boutique disease. It changes from one to another and makes it difficult for the physician to detect the signs in the early stages. Alternatively, it is not probable to predict the occurrence, how, or when the symptoms occur. The progression of the symptoms take broad paths, and many of them have similarities associated with other health conditions, making it further critical to point the stage of Parkinson’s disease. It becomes frightening to see further definite signs that appear along the path.