Different from all possible tremors, the tremors which occur when a person is suffering from Parkinson’s disease are called ‘resting tremors’. Such is the name because the tremors occur when the person is at a resting position. While a person is moving, these tremors may seem to have gone but when your limbs are static or when you are holding a spoon these tremors set in again. This is the reason why people with Parkinson’s disease are known to spill things. Such tremors may affect any part of the body.
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive disease. This means that the symptoms continue and worsen over the period of years. Although there are various factors that may work, but the normal progression rate of the Parkinson’s disease is ten years. When the onset of the disease is at an older age, faster progression rate associated with cognitive failure may be witnessed.
What are Stages of Progression Known In Parkinson’s Disease?
The progression of Parkinson’s disease is mostly divided into five stages-
Stage 1- This stage is characterized by the mildest form of Parkinson’s. The symptoms are not so severe to interfere with daily tasks and overall lifestyle. Friends and family members may notice some sort of changes in the way the patient walks, his posture and some facial expression. One of the distinct symptom of Parkinson’s is the tremors are other problems in movement and exclusive to one side of the body. If doctor is consulted at this stage, the prescribed medication can help ease out the symptoms at this stage of Parkinson’s disease.
Stage 2- This phase is considered to be the moderate form of Parkinson’s because the symptoms get distinctively noticed by people. Muscle stiffness is quite common at this stage. It must be remembered that although there may be an increase of tremors and irregular posture, stage 2 Parkinson’s disease does not impair the balance of the patient.
Stage 3- The Parkinson’s disease patient may experience a turning point in this stage as along with the symptoms he may not be able to maintain his balance and experience decreased reflexes. Movements become slower and falls become common. Medication along with occupational therapy may be advised.
Stage 4- It becomes impossible to even stand without assistance at stage 4 Parkinson’s disease. Living alone may make daily tasks impossible and dangerous. Thus, the patient will need a caregiver from this stage.
Stage 5- This is the most advanced stage of Parkinson’s disease. Due to stiffness in the legs or the legs freezing suddenly the person even finds it too difficult to walk. Patients may require wheelchair. Around-the-clock assistance may be required in order to help him and prevent frequent falls.
What are the Methods of Coping with Parkinson’s Disease?
Affecting all spheres of life whether it is social or work-related, the nature of Parkinson’s disease is progressive adversely. The gradual loss of independence may be difficult, but being well informed about the Parkinson’s disease may reduce the anxiety to a large extent. There are various support groups that offer valuable information to patients with such disease and how to cope with the same. These groups provide emotional support and also advice the patients with regard to finding experienced doctors, therapists and other related information.
Does Diet Play An Important Role In The Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease?
The main idea for Parkinson’s disease diet is to eat a balanced and healthy diet. Consumption of fruits, nuts, vegetables and lean meat in small proportion may be beneficial. It should be taken care that the patient should not gain a lot of weight and become obese. Fiber rich food like broccoli, peas, apples, cooked beans, whole-grain bread and cereals are seen to be a part of a good diet. Sugar and salt consumption must be cut down along with saturated fats from meat and dairy if you have Parkinson’s disease.
Also Read:
- Parkinson’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Investigations, Treatment
- What Happens To Someone With Parkinson’s Disease?
- What is the Life Expectancy of Someone with Parkinson’s Disease?
- Why do People With Parkinson’s Lose Weight?
- How Do I Care For Someone With Parkinson’s Disease?
- How Do You Get Parkinson’s Disease?
- Can You Reverse Parkinson’s Disease?