Are There Any Lifestyle Changes For Paraphimosis?
Any man could suffer an episode of paraphimosis, so it is very important to attend the doctor immediately for a proper treatment. The preventive measures are mentioned here, if these are followed strictly, a recurrence is less likely. The patient needs to carry a healthy lifestyle changes in order to avoid this unpleasant condition.
Stretching exercise is a good lifestyle change for someone suffering from paraphimosis.
Those who suffer from phimosis should know that they have a very high risk of suffering from paraphimosis. Since the foreskin is narrow, some doctors use circumcision to treat the problem. However, many men want to keep their foreskin and want to receive treatment that is not as painful as circumcision. So, if you do not want to undergo a circumcision surgery, the only way you have to treat this condition is controlled stretching exercise. At home, a man can only use preventive methods to prevent the disease from developing again. These are some recommendations:
-Observe intimate hygiene. You can use several antibacterial agents for this purpose.
-Do not participate in sex without protection. Doctors recommend abstaining from frequent changes of sexual partner since venereal diseases often cause the development of paraphimosis.
-It is also very important to undergo preventive control every year, which allows identifying the disease at an early stage.
Paraphimosis or painful swelling of the distal foreskin is a state of the foreskin in which once it is retracted on the glans it does not return back to its normal anatomical position. There is a trapping of the glans by a constriction ring progressively worsened by edema which is swelling and fluid accumulation.
Paraphimosis is considered an emergency. It is important to differentiate from the concept of phimosis which is a state in which the contracted foreskin does not retract back to its position.
It can occur in uncircumcised males at any age, whether due to genital manipulation, carelessness, balanitis, cleanliness attempt. Many cases of paraphimosis occur after a bladder catheterization (with Foley catheter) in which the health personnel who carried out the procedure do not take the foreskin forward and remain retracted since the glans must always be covered with a foreskin.
In very young children paraphimosis is often seen after the foreskin was traumatically reduced during an exam or sometimes for the excess of zeal of some parents for hygiene.
It is due to chronic inflammation under the redundant foreskin, which leads to contracture of the preputial opening (phimosis) and the formation of a tight skin ring when the foreskin is retracted behind the glans. The ring of skin causes venous congestion leading to edema and growth of the glans, which makes this disorder worse. As this condition progresses, arterial occlusion and glans necrosis (tissue death) may occur.
In other words, when the foreskin gets stuck behind the crown for prolonged periods of time a tight band of tissue is formed which is in the shape of a ring. This ring of tissue then starts to interrupt smooth flow of blood to and from the foreskin thus causing damage to the area.
As a result of vascular engorgement and ischemic insult in the penis, the glans and foreskin gets inflamed and edematous and if it is not treated on time gangrene on the area develops resulting in self-amputation within weeks.
It is relevant to understand that phimosis is an important risk factor for the presence of paraphimosis.
Therefore, the best way to avoid any problem of paraphimosis will be to resort to circumcision surgery (total or partial) or to use less invasive approaches, such as the application of topical steroid creams, as well as the follow-up of regimens of stretching exercises of the preputial skin.
Clinical Manifestations
A paraphimosis patient will experience pain in the penile area. However, this symptom is not always observed. The glans looks enlarged with an inflamed foreskin around the coronal sulcus.
A tight band of tissue can be seen just behind the glans. The rest of the body of the penis appears flaccid and without complications. Babies and children with paraphimosis tend to have issues with voiding due to obstruction.