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How To Cope With Hematuria?

Hematuria is a condition which is characterized by the presence of red blood cells in the urine. The urine appears pinkish or reddish or reddish brown because of the presence of red blood cells. The causes of hematuria can be kidney stones, kidney infections, and other ailments in the urinary system. This condition is not harmful and can be easily coped up. It is necessary to detect the exact cause of bloody urine.[1] The treatment of the underlying cause clear offs the condition. Diet management can also aid in faster recovery from the condition.

How To Cope With Hematuria?

Hematuria goes away by itself in many cases in 24 hours to 48 hours.[2] You can cope with hematuria with the help of your physician by finding out the exact reasons behind hematuria, diet management and treatment of the exact cause of the disease.

Hematuria goes by itself and does not require treatment in the majority of cases. Its treatment depends on the underlying cause. It can be treated by the management of the underlying cause.

  • If its cause is strenuous exercises, avoid exercises and strenuous physical activities.
  • If the cause is kidney diseases, avoid high sodium and calcium diet.
  • If medicines like aspirin, antibiotics, etc. trigger the condition, then these medicines should be stopped.
  • If the menstrual flow is the cause, then, hematuria is not seen when the flow stops.
  • If kidney stones are the cause, then the removal of the stones by medicines or surgery helps in improvement in hematuria.
  • If an infection in the urinary tract is detected, then treatment of the infection will treat the hematuria too.[3]

Diet Management

  • Diet modification cannot treat hematuria, but it can help in better coping of hematuria.
  • You should have lots of fluids and fresh juices like cranberry juice or pomegranate juice in your diet. This will help in the removal of stones if present and fast recovery from infections.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables like bitter gourd, drumsticks, green banana etc.
  • Coconut juice and spinach juice are also helpful to tackle bladder infections.[4]
  • Salted, fried, spicy or processed food should be avoided to have better results in hematuria.

Hematuria Diagnosis

Diagnosis of the cause of hematuria is very important for treatment. Hematuria can be detected by following tests-

Physical Examination– your physician will perform a physical examination of your lower abdomen to find out any abnormal swelling or growth. He will discuss with you about your medical history.

Urine Tests– urine analysis helps to detect any infection in the urinary tract or any mineral that forms the stones in the kidney.

Imaging Tests– he will also ask you for CT scan or MRI scan or ultrasound to reveal the exact cause of hematuria.

Cystoscopy– your surgeon will examine your bladder and urethra by putting a tiny camera into your bladder to find out the causes of hematuria.[5]

Hematuria is a condition represented by the presence of red blood cells in the urine. Kidneys are structured in such a way that it does not filter red blood cells and protein. If red blood cells are found in the blood, this indicates a serious ailment in the urinary system. The presence of red blood cells can be seen by naked eyes or a microscope. If it is seen by naked eyes, then this type of hematuria is called macroscopic or gross hematuria. If it can only be seen under a microscope, then it is called microscopic hematuria.


Hematuria is a condition in which blood cells are detected in the urine. It can be treated if the exact cause is detected and treated. Stopping everything like strenuous exercises, smoking, medicines like blood thinners, anticoagulants, etc. are helpful to cope up with the condition. Diet modification as discussed above can also help in faster recovery from the condition.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 23, 2022

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