Hematuria is the presence of whole or damaged blood cells in the urine. Red blood cells cannot be filtered by kidney in normal conditions. Presence of red blood cells in the urine indicates ailments of the urinary system that needs to be corrected. Hematuria usually does not show other symptoms except pinkish, red or brown coloration of urine. Other symptoms like pain, burning during urination, etc. are the symptoms of the underlying cause of hematuria. It resolves by itself in 24 hours to 48 hours in most of the cases. Management of underlying cause can clear off hematuria.[1]
What Not To Eat When You Have Hematuria?
Hematuria goes by itself and does not require treatment in the majority of cases. Its treatment depends on the underlying cause. However, no research studies say that food has any significant impact on hematuria. Some changes made in the diet may help in the quick recovery of hematuria.
If you have hematuria, you should avoid the following items in your meal-
Salted Food– salted food should be limited if kidney stones are the causes of hematuria to have a proper balance of the salts in the body.[2]
Purine-Rich Food– if you have gout as the cause of hematuria, then levels of uric acid can be controlled by avoiding purine-rich food. This will thereby reduce hematuria.
Beetroot– consumption of beetroot can cause a reddish discoloration of urine, which may be confused with hematuria.[3] So, beetroot should be avoided, when you have hematuria.
Animal Protein– animal proteins are high in calcium. If hematuria is caused by blockage of kidney stone in the urinary tract, then animal protein should be avoided.
Food Rich In Oxalates– consumption of oxalates food is restricted if a person has kidney stone as this salts can get deposited in the urinary tract and form stones again.[4] If hematuria is triggered by a kidney stone, then, food rich in oxalates should be avoided.
Refined or Processed Food– processed and packed food is usually high in salt and oil, so they should be avoided as it can complicate the hematuria if you have kidney stone as the prime cause of hematuria.
Hematuria is marked by the presence of red blood cells in the urine. It is not harmful in many cases. But it indicates towards serious disorders in the urinary tract. It can appear in any age group; even young children are affected by this condition. Hematuria is of two types, gross or microscopic hematuria.
Gross Hematuria– when blood is visible in urine by naked eyes, then this condition is known as gross or macroscopic hematuria.
Microscopic Hematuria– when red blood cells are seen only under a microscope, it is called microscopic hematuria. It is detected by urine tests in a routine checkup.[5]
Hematuria is itself a symptom of another disorder. It rarely represents any symptom other than red, brown or pinkish coloration of the urine. If the flow in the urinary tract is blocked, blood may come in clots in the urine and it is painful. Other symptoms like fever, rigors, pain, swelling, etc. may also appear due to its underlying causes.
Causes Of Hematuria
Hematuria can be caused by-
- Strenuous Exercises
- Medicines like aspirin, antibiotics, heparin, etc.
- Infections of the urinary tract
- Kidney stones
- Gout
- Menstrual flow
- Prostrate affections like enlarged prostate
- Kidney diseases like glomerulonephritis, etc.
- Congenital diseases like sickle cell anemia or Alport syndrome
- Tumors and cancers of the urinary tract.[6]
Hematuria is represented by the presence of blood in the urine. It is a not dangerous condition, but may indicate serious affections of kidney and other organs of the urinary tract. It is better to avoid salted food, processed food, packed food, animal protein and others discussed above to have a quicker recovery from hematuria.
- https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/urologic-diseases/hematuria-blood-urine
- https://www.actiononsalt.org.uk/salthealth/factsheets/kidney/
- https://www.healthline.com/health/beeturia
- https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/diet
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534213/
- https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/981898-overview
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