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What Is The Prognosis For Dyspareunia & Lifestyle Changes For It?

An individualized, multidisciplinary approach is the most required in the treatment of painful sexual diseases.1, 2

Certain lifestyle changes can address problems with dyspareunia to alleviate pain during sexual intercourse.3

You can minimize pain with a few modifications to your sexual routine. This is done by working with a therapist to find control and empowerment.4

Dyspareunia, or pain during sexual intercourse is increasing and experienced by at least 60% of women at some time in their lifetime. The condition is quite stressful and distressing and can result in the loss of sexual interest, relationship problems, and psychological emotions.

Pain can be burning, and it occurs at the top of the vagina. Due to low estrogen levels, almost seven out of 10 postmenopausal women encounter painful intercourse.

What Is The Prognosis For Dyspareunia?

What Is The Prognosis For Dyspareunia?

Dyspareunia is deep stabbing pain caused during sexual intercourse that is caused infection of the cervix, endometriosis, growth in the pelvis, or an underlying condition.

Although the differential diagnosis of dyspareunia is large, effective diagnosis can narrow the occurrences of pain. The diagnosis is often dependent on the woman’s explanation of her problem regarding the time and location of the pain.

For superficial pain, topical ointments and sitz baths are often helpful however doctors suggest that oil-based lubricants and water-based lubricants are more preferable and prevent the dryness of the vagina. When the pain is deep, changing positions or providing the women more control over penetration may help.

However, in certain instances, it may require medical intervention. Your healthcare provider may suggest for FDA approved drugs to provide relief from moderate to severe dyspareunia. On the other hand, certain medications have adverse side effects which were found to be more severe than vaginal pain. Therefore, lifestyle modification proved to be a better choice of treatment when compared to other options.1, 2

Lifestyle Changes For Dyspareunia

Adopting new, healthier habits may protect you from serious consequences and help manage your problem. New research shows lifestyle changes can help minimize pain and offer you with the required support.

Certain lifestyle changes can address problems with dyspareunia to alleviate pain during sexual intercourse. When you have recurrent pain, you can talk to your doctor to help with your problem. Although medical interventions provide relief, there are certain things you can do to your sexual routine. This is done by working with a therapist to find control and empowerment.3

Changes In Your Sexual Behavior- Pain during sexual intercourse can be reduced by using personal lubricants to improve the dryness of the vagina. Also, you and your partner can get involved in longer foreplay to secrete their body lubricants and to have intercourses in a more comfortable position.

Use A Condom – When you have pain during sex, it can be due to some vaginal infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis. If you don’t want to give place to these infections be sure to always use a condom to help prevent the problem.

Health-Centric Rituals – When it comes to sex hygiene you should follow the best sexual health practices that should be ensued before and after sex. Sexual hygiene helps prevent infections and promote confidence during intercourse. How to keep your life hygiene

  • Keep your vagina clean by washing your private organs with unperfumed soap twice a day
  • When you have a sweaty activity, ensure to change your underwear. Cotton is a good choice for athletic choices
  • Communicate with your sexual partner about your exclusive level of relationship.
  • Get yourself medically check to avoid genital and urinary infection.4


  1. Basson, Rosemary, et al. “Dyspareunia – Women’s Health Issues.” Merck Manuals Consumer Version, Merck Manuals, www.merckmanuals.com/en-ca/home/women-s-health-issues/sexual-dysfunction-in-women/dyspareunia.
  2. “Treatment for Dyspareunia Will Be Available Soon.” Pharmacy Times, www.pharmacytimes.com/resource-centers/womens-health/treatment-for-dyspareunia-will-be-available-soon.
  3. Vaidya, Aishwarya. “Painful Sex? Adopt These Lifestyle Changes.” TheHealthSite.com, Thehealthsite, 19 June 2018, www.thehealthsite.com/sexual-health/sex/women-painful-sex-adopt-these-lifestyle-changes-av0618-575884/.
  4. Kao, A, et al. “Dyspareunia in Postmenopausal Women: a Critical Review.” Pain Research & Management, Pulsus Group Inc, 2008, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2671314/.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:February 11, 2022

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