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What Is The Prognosis For Pelvic Infection & Lifestyle Changes For It?

The prognosis of most sexually transmitted infections like pelvic infections often depends on the awareness of the adolescents to see for prompt treatment and to prevent future occurrences.1,2

Following safety precautions such as practicing safe sex, getting tested for your symptoms, and avoiding douching can prevent the risk of pelvic inflammatory infections/ pelvic infections.3

When you want to resume your sexual activity, checking with your doctor is important to know if you are safe and are you good with the treatment.4

What Is The Prognosis For Pelvic Infection?

Nearly 25% of pelvic inflammatory disease women diagnosed with acute pelvic infection develop lasting complications. However, the prognosis often depends on the awareness of the sexually transmitted disease and timely health care. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of pelvic infection have shown effective cure and faster recovery.

Each episode of pelvic infection depends on the severity of the condition which in turn leads to potential complications, mainly infertility, and abortions. In light of this, sexually active women in the childbearing years having symptoms of PID should seek medical attention and undergo diagnosis for sexually transmitted infections.

Safe sex, use of contraceptives and adherence to a proper sex approach with your partner, and swift treatments are some of the top-notch pathways for protecting your sex life and safeguarding yourselves from possible infections that may result in pelvic infections. Patients with a history of PID have higher chances of recurrent infections so awareness is very crucial to avoid frequent episodes of genital tract infections.1,2

Lifestyle Changes For Pelvic Infection

Following a healthy lifestyle, regardless of age, will have numerous health benefits, especially when it comes to the prevention of pelvic inflammatory disease. When we look after our physical health, we feel better to cope up with several aspects.

Treatment for pelvic infections involves more than just taking medication. To prevent the risk, you should follow the below practices.

Practice Safe Sex- Safe sex also protects you against unintended pregnancy and against some common infections that can be transmitted. When you are planning to have sex with a new partner think twice and use condoms whenever you have sex. Talk to your partner about the sexually transmitted disease and find out if you or your partner is at risk of any sexually transmitted disease.3

Awareness About Contraception/ Reducing Pregnancy-Related Risk- Contraceptive reduces the need for abortion and prevents pregnancy for older people who face pregnancy complications. Furthermore, having awareness about contraception improves maternal health.

Don’t Douche- The latest study demonstrates the risks of douching outweigh the benefits, causing problems instead of solving problems. It states that vaginal douching is not necessary for routine feminine hygiene. Douching has been associated with several adverse challenges such as pelvic infections, bacterial vaginosis, cervical cancer, facing problems from getting pregnant, abortion, and ectopic pregnancy.

Avoid Smoking – Smokers are at increased risk of developing a severe infection of the fallopian tubes leading to pelvic inflammatory disease and smoking was the strongest factor associated with the condition.4

Pelvic inflammatory disease is usually caused by a sexually transmitted disease from bacteria. This occurs when bacteria traverse through the vagina and the cervix from the use of an intrauterine device. Women of any age can get infected with pelvic infections however sexually active women who are 25 and under have an increased chance of getting this disease.

Abdominal pain, pain during sex, fever & chills are some of the classic symptoms of pelvic infections. Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam and pelvic exam to diagnose this inflammation. The treatment is often based on your age, overall health, and severity of the condition.


  1. Lazenby, Wendy. “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID).” Cancer Therapy Advisor, 17 Jan. 2019, www.cancertherapyadvisor.com/home/decision-support-in-medicine/obstetrics-and-gynecology/pelvic-inflammatory-disease-pid/
  2. Meštrović, Dr. Tomislav. “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Management and Prognosis.” News, 27 Feb. 2019, www.news-medical.net/health/Pelvic-Inflammatory-Disease-Management-and-Prognosis.aspx
  3. “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: Guidelines for Prevention and Management.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00031002.htm
  4. Webmaster. “Immunodeficiency UK Home Page.” Immunodeficiency UK, Coping and preventing pelvic inflammatory disease. www.immunodeficiencyuk.org/

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:April 19, 2021

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