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Can Scleroderma Be Cured?

About Scleroderma

Scleroderma is a rare pathological condition characterized by hardening of the skin and connective tissues. While in some individuals only the skin gets affected by this rare disease, in other individuals vital internal organs, the digestive tract, and blood vessels, and lungs tend to get affected making it potentially serious. The presenting features of Scleroderma depend on the organs affected. This condition is seen mostly in females between the ages of 30 and 50 and is not that common in males. While there are many treatments available for treatment of Scleroderma, the question that arises is whether Scleroderma can be cured.

Can Scleroderma Be Cured?

Can Scleroderma Be Cured?

If Scleroderma is limited only to the skin then the symptoms of rash on the surface of the skin fade away by themselves after some time, although it may take years for this to happen. However, if Scleroderma affects the internal organs of the body then the condition tends to get worse with time.

As of now, there is no medication available that can cure Scleroderma but there are a variety of medications that can calm down the symptoms and prevent worsening of the condition. These medications dilate the blood vessels and prevent any complications related to kidneys and the lungs as a result of Scleroderma.

There are medications to suppress the immune system which also helps in preventing worsening of the condition and calm down the symptoms of Scleroderma. Infections caused by Scleroderma can be treated with antibiotics.

Over the counter pain medications can help with the pain caused by Scleroderma. Additionally, individuals with Scleroderma can be helped with physical and occupational therapy for controlling pain symptoms and increasing strength and mobility of the body which gets affected as a result of Scleroderma.

Surgery is reserved only as a last resort for treatment of the symptoms of Scleroderma. The affected area may be amputated to prevent spread of the disease. If the lungs get damaged as a result of this condition, a lung transplant may be done to treat this complication of Scleroderma.

In conclusion, as of now there is no cure for Scleroderma; however, there are many medications and therapies available for treating the symptoms that arise as a result of Scleroderma.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 29, 2023

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