While some people who sweat more may be normal, some people who sweat a lot after a shower, may be experiencing a condition of excessive sweating. Excessive sweating is hyperhidrosis, a specific clinical condition where body starts sweating much more than usual or other than normal summer sweating. However, generally excessive sweating after a shower is caused due to certain common conditions. It is necessary to know the causes and symptoms of extreme sweating even after taking a bath.
Causes of Sweating after Taking a Shower
It is important to know that sweating is an obvious response of the body when the body temperature begins to rise. The importance of sweating is the main role it plays to maintain normal temperature especially when the body temperature or the surrounding temperature gets heated up more.
The causes of sweating after taking a shower can be many, which need to be properly understood. Some of the common causes of sweating after taking a shower include the use of hot water, friction of the used towel and indeed the humid environment.
Hot Water can Cause Sweating after taking a Shower – A warm shower often makes you sweat more, especially just after the bath, as it raises the body temperature, which leads to excessive sweating.
Humidity in the Bathroom – The rising temperature in the bathroom causes humidity in the area, which again triggers more sweating. Perspiration or sweating is a way in which the body tries to lower the body temperature, which is heated up due to the surrounding environment.
Rubbing the Body for Drying – If a person rubs the body vigorously with a towel, the friction too can generate heat and make the body sweat more to maintain its temperature.
Wearing Warm Clothes Can Cause Sweating After Taking a Shower – If the towel or the clothes that have to be worn are warm, they too can cause sweating after taking a shower.
While these are the common causes of sweating after a shower, certain measures can be taken to prevent excessive sweating after taking a shower.
Tips to Control Sweating After a Shower
Some steps that can be taken to stop or reduce sweating after a shower include:
- It will help to use moderately heated water so that the body does not get overheated. An appropriate mix of hot and cold water can help to maintain stable body temperature during and after the shower, thus reducing the chances of excessive sweating after the shower.
- It is also important to gradually increase or decrease the temperature of the water, so that the body has enough time to adjust to it. Sudden changes in the temperature not only affect the body mechanism but also create an imbalance in the temperature of air surrounded in the bathroom. With gradual changes, there is enough time to adjust to the changing temperature, which can help control excessive sweating after the shower.
- Another good way to stop or control sweating after a shower is to either take a cold water shower or to allow the warm shower to cool at the end. Taking cool water shower or cooling the shower water at the end of the bath can help to lower the body temperature. This makes it easy for the body to adjust to temperature changes and can control excessive sweating after the shower. However, people with cold and respiratory disorders, need to avoid cold shower baths.
- It is also important to control the humidity in the bathroom when taking a shower. Use of an exhaust fan in the bathroom can help in circulation of warm air and keep the humidity and temperature of the bathroom under control.
- As rubbing can cause more body heat, it is important to avoid rubbing the body for drying. It is better to pat dry the body or even better wear a comfortable bath robe as it can help to dry up the body without causing excessive sweating.
- Another important thing is to get out of the bathroom, after the shower. It is advisable to get dressed in your room instead of doing the same in the bathroom. This allows the body to cool and exposure to normal room temperature allows adequate relaxation, which can control excessive sweating after a shower.
- Some may also consider sprinkling some talcum powder on the body after patting dry. This can help to keep the body dry, cool and refreshed.
Treatment Options for Excessive Sweating
In some cases, excessive sweating is a matter of concern even in normal situations, people may consider certain treatment options, with the advice of a physician. Some treatments for excessive sweating may include certain oral medications, herbal treatment, injections of botox, or lotions. Some other treatment options developed in recent times, which are considered more successful than others include surgery for treatment of extreme sweating from the hands. The most prominent and efficient procedure is Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS). With this procedure, a skilled surgeon treats the part of the body, which is responsible for excessive sweating. This is an outpatient procedure and patient is usually discharged on the same day. This procedure has a success rate of approximately 98 to 99 percent for excessive sweating particularly on the palms.
- WebMD – Hyperhidrosis: Learn more about hyperhidrosis, the condition of excessive sweating, and its causes. WebMD – Hyperhidrosis
- Medical News Today – What Causes Sweating After a Shower?: Get insights into the common causes of sweating after bathing and tips to prevent it. Medical News Today – Sweating After Shower
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