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How Do You Treat Neurodermatitis Naturally?

Neurodermatitis is a skin condition that begins with a skin stain that causes itching. Scratching causes you to sting even more. This scratch-itching cycle causes the affected skin to thicken and become rough. Several spots can appear on the skin, usually on the neck, wrists, forearms, thighs or ankles.

Patients with neurodermatitis often suffer relapses. The treatment in adults and children is carried out only in an integral way to quickly and effectively alleviate the condition of the patient. Any design factor leads to an increase in itching, rashes on the skin, an increase in inflammation.

How Do You Treat Neurodermatitis Naturally?

How Do You Treat Neurodermatitis Naturally?

The treatment of neurodermatitis with natural remedies should be selected individually because there is not an exhaustive classification. Some options help to overcome the external symptoms of the neurodermatitis: reduce the intensity of peeling, itching, and inflammation in the skin. Another group aims to eliminate toxins from the body. The treatment of neurodermatitis in the home can help to heal wounds and restore the structure of the skin.

Baths with Broths of Medicinal Plants

This is one of the options for natural remedy therapy. Baths with decoctions of medicinal plants help to immediately influence the whole body, it is important for the massive damage to the tissues of the skin in neurodermatitis. For the bathroom you can use a chamomile decoction, birch leaves stems of wormwood, calendula, walnut and walnut leaves. After the procedure, it is not necessary to rub the affected areas of the body with a towel so that the medicinal substances are absorbed into the skin. The course can last several weeks.

Infusions of Herbs and Decoctions

To reduce desquamation and the intensity of itching, an infusion of mint leaves and rue can be applied. Mix half a tablespoon of this pure herb with two glasses of water and boil. This solution must be cooled and applied through a gauze. This is a natural remedy for neurodermatitis.

Herbal infusions and decoctions for naturally relieving neurodermatitis have anti-inflammatory, restorative and sedative effect with regular use.

Use of Compress

With neurodermatitis, to have a therapeutic effect on inflammatory foci, plants that increase tissue regeneration are used. These include raspberry, nettle, strawberry, and banana. The compresses are prepared with juicy green leaves; you can take a banana, cut it and squeeze it to make juice from the plant. It is necessary to maintain the bandage until the liquid completely absorbs the tissues; repeat this procedure daily. Another option to compress with neurodermatitis:

In equal parts, cut the leaves of raspberries, nettles.

-Pour the mixture with boiling water.

-Let it infuse for a couple of hours.

-Moisten the napkin and apply it to the problematic areas of the skin that are affected by the neurodermatitis.

-Keep the compress for 2 to 4 hours.

Traditional medicine does not negate the beneficial effects of popular prescriptions, but must necessarily include the elimination of the underlying cause that caused the symptoms of the disease. Traditional medicine recipes are used only when agreed upon by a doctor. The specialists give the following recommendations for neurodermatitis therapy:

-Diet is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and consume foods that promote recovery. It is forbidden to drink coffee, spicy dishes, chocolate, pickles, citrus fruits, eggs, honey.

-The vitamin-mineral complexes will help to cope with the neurodermit, especially those that contain groups B, E, P, A.

-The symptoms of the pathology will help reduce the sedative drugs that calm the nervous system. A person should try to avoid stress conditions that negatively affect any dermatosis and hinder the treatment of neurodermatitis.

-Reduce the symptoms of neurodermatitis can be by cleaning the body of toxins, bowel therapy.

-If there is a complication in the form of urticaria, it is necessary to eliminate the contact with the allergen. Antihistamines will help to weaken the itching of the skin.


Breaking the itch-scratch cycle of neurodermatitis is a challenge. The success of the treatment depends on the resistance against the need to rub or scratch the affected areas. Prescription and over-the-counter creams can help relieve itching. The patient should also identify and get rid of the factors that can make the problem worse.


  1. National Eczema Association. (n.d.). Neurodermatitis. https://nationaleczema.org/eczema/types-of-eczema/neurodermatitis/

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:September 7, 2023

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