Stretch marks are something that, women in particular cannot avoid. However, today there are a lot of ways through which you can get rid of the stretch marks with or without surgery. Surgery might be a quite drastic way to deal with your stretch marks and it can be applied only in specific areas of the body and also it may leave other marks in the skin after the stretch marks are removed. That is why many people prefer other means of treating stretch marks. Read below to know about some of the best ways to get rid of stretch marks without surgery.
How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Without Surgery?
Massage With Creams:
Massaging the stretch marks on body at least 3 to 4 times a day with stretch mark removal creams or creams that contain cocoa butter, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, Shea butter as the primary ingredients; would be the best way to get rid of stretch marks without surgery. In fact, this would be the early treatment for your stretch marks; i.e. while your stretch marks are still red, pink, purple or brown. This is so because, once your stretch marks turn white or silver or a lighter shade than your skin, it becomes a lot harder to get rid of them.
In case, your stretch marks are more than 6 weeks old then you can use Tretinonin creams for reducing the appearance of stretch marks. However, you cannot use it in case you are pregnant or if you are in your breast feeding phase; as the active ingredient in Tretinonin treatment may be passed to the unborn child or the breast milk
TriLASTIN-SR for Getting Rid of Stretch Marks:
Using TriLASTIN-SR is good at removing newly formed stretch marks as well as old stretch marks. In fact, TriLASTIN-SR is one advanced formula, specifically developed to reduce the appearance of stretch marks that are associated with pregnancy, growth spurts, as well as weight gain or bodybuilding.
TriLASTIN-SR will also enhance the natural elasticity of the skin so as to avoid new stretch mark scarring.
It must be noted that, TriLASTIN-SR is used by most Dermatologists for treating their patients’ stretch marks.
Essential Oils That Can Help Get Rid of Stretch Marks Without Surgery:
Some of the essential oils like rose hip oil, Jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, castor oil, Emu oil, almond oil, olive oil, etc, along with aloe vera, Vicks VapoRub can be used to get rid of stretch marks.
Vitamin A and Vitamin E are useful remedy to get rid of stretch marks. You can take a capsule of Vitamin A and Vitamin E and break open and then spread it on the stretch marks regularly so that your skin heals on itself and rebuilds automatically.
Egg Whites:
There are many people who make use of egg whites or egg powders on their stretch marks to reduce them effectively.
Supplements and Supplement Pills to Get Rid of Stretch Marks:
Supplementing or consuming a diet rich in Vitamin A, C and Vitamin E and Zinc will increase the strength and elasticity of the collagen within your skin and help prevent stretch marks. Supplement pills aid the whole skin tissue in the body. In this way, the damaged area on the skin is repaired throughout the process of general production of larger amount of collagen and skin friendly hormones.
Consuming foods that contain essential fatty acids such as vegetables, vegetable oils, fish etc promote good skin care in preventing and removing stretch marks.
Drink Plenty of Water:
One more way to get rid of stretch marks is by drinking plenty of water. By doing this, you will keep your skin hydrated, soft and flexible and will be able to rush all of the vitamins to your skin for quick healing so as to remove and prevent stretch marks.
Laser Treatments:
Laser treatment for stretch marks is a relatively recent development and it may have some very impressive results, especially in cases of pregnancy related stretch marks. The laser removes the stretch marks within one hours, but the results are not permanent in this case.
Other Ways to Get Rid of Stretch Marks Without Surgery:
- Exfoliate your skin regularly with a scrunchy or loofah.
- Keep away from sun exposure for longer periods of times, as sunlight on new stretch mark scars can make them permanent.
- In case you are planning on becoming pregnant, then you can start preparing your skin by applying cocoa butter or lotion two times in a day so as to keep your skin well moisturized and flexible.
Though we talked about some of the best ways to get rid of stretch marks without surgery, it is essential for you to consult with your doctor and know about the best and most effective lotion or stretch marks cream or other treatments options for treating your stretch marks.
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