Treatment & Recovery Period of Thin Skin Shin Wound

Scraping of skin at the shin can be very risky and prone to infections and can lead to severe form of ailments at a later stage if no effective first aid treatment is provided. During summers, one becomes more prone to injuries especially when active in sports. Minor cuts are easy to treat but for deep injuries, you have to be careful while taking the first move to prepare your skin for dressing to avoid further causation of infections.

Treatment of Thin Skin Shin Wound

Treatment of Thin Skin Shin Wound

It has been observed by the doctors that the healing process of the wound get speeded up when adequate first aid protection is provided. This guide talks about the ways in which a thin skin shin wound should be attended just after an injury and how much time it takes in healing.

What Should Your First Aid Kit Have to Treat a Thin Skin Shin Wound?

The following items need to be present in your first aid kit to treat the thin skin shin wound:

  • Soap and water.
  • Clean bandage or cloth.
  • Antibacterial ointment.
  • Adhesive bandage.

How to Prepare the Thin Skin Shin Wound for Dressing?

When you are bruised and it’s bleeding, seeing a doctor immediately helps. If the cuts in the shin are minor, you can go for a dressing by yourself, but ensure you do it carefully. Check for the steps below to ensure proper dressing of thin skin shin wound:

  • Cleaning of Thin Skin Shin Wound: First of all, clean the wound mildly with saline water. This removes the toxins and dirt away from the wound. After mildly washing it, gently pat it dry with a soft sterilized cloth to dry the skin on and around the thin skin shin wound to prepare it for dressing.
  • Placing the Skin Back on the Shin Wound: Coming on to the next step now, you may have to take the pain of placing the skin back on the shin wound so that the doctor can place it later properly and you suffer less. Sometimes, this situation can be very problematic and you cannot remove the skin. So, try placing the shin skin back on the wound using light movements of hand.
  • Dressing the Thin Skin Shin Wound: Dressing the thin skin shin wound can be tough, but use moistened wrap to rehydrate the thin shin skin flap, but it has to be non-adhesive. Avoiding the wound from drying up is very essential and if you have carried out the dressing properly, final dressing by a doctor provides you better results in no time.

Special Precautions Need to be Taken While Attending to Thin Skin Shin Wound

Thin skin shin wound is very delicate and should be handled with lot of cleanliness and care. If the shin wound is minor, then simple dressing it enough, but if the shin wound is bleeding, then you need to be extra cautious in dressing the wound. In case of heavy bleeding, apply pressure, but make sure you have washed your hands thoroughly before attending the open shin wound.

You should have anti-bacterial ointments on hand, which can prevent infection of the thin skin shin wound. This ointment needs to be free from any irritant as on an open shin wound, it becomes hard for the patient to bear the irritation. A thin layer of ointment protects the scraped skin and the bandage should be soft on the wounded skin of the shin. On a precautionary note, avoid blowing on the wound which makes it more susceptible to infections.

What is the Recovery Period of Thin Skin Shin Wound and What Steps Need to be Taken for Faster Healing of Thin Skin Shin Wound?

You need to follow some steps, which can be tried easily at your home to ensure easy healing in due course of time. For healing a situation like a thin skin shin wound, you need to be very careful otherwise repercussions can be really troublesome. It also depends upon the degree of cut your wound has. For moderate and minor wounds, it may take few weeks, but if you have removed the skin, then it may require even months to heal. For a 1 cm deep cut, it may take up to 2 weeks to completely heal the skin.

Also, depending upon the size of cut, your healing time will vary. Large cuts on the shin usually require stitches and more dressing, so more time goes into the healing process. You need some more precautions if you have thin skin shin kind of wound. Avoid smoking and alcohol because they both prevent internal healing and speedy recovery.

If you are on some medications, healing process takes a bit more time. Talking to your doctor helps in this regard. Avoid medicines which lead to clot formation and inflammation thus stunting the healing process.

If your health permits, gorge on the foods which are high on anti-oxidants which heal the thin skin shin wound better and faster. Take fruits and turmeric latte which is basically an Asian healing remedy in which turmeric is cooked with milk to boost anti-oxidants in your blood. Take natural and essential fats which provide adequate fuel to your body of a speedy recovery and it also keeps your joints in good shape.

You may also need tetanus shots and ensure that you are following some precautionary measures as well. Out of all wounds, it is the open shin wound which is quite tricky to handle as any wrong movement will lead to worsening it to such an extent that even surgery may fail to recuperate the skin back.

While dressing your wound, remember to elevate it from the place to ensure proper blood flow. Cool compress helps with pain and you need to avoid the shin wound coming into direct contact with sunlight which produces a burning sensation. As an open shin wound is very sensitive and the thin shin skin may burn out more easily; so use a sunscreen which has an SPF of up to 30. Some of the most stubborn abrasions take at least one year to heal and you need to take proper precautions during that duration.

Using cold compressions help to heal the thin skin shin wound quickly, but ensure everything is in moderation as the wound may worsen over time, making it more difficult to heal the skin on the open shin wound speedily.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 7, 2018

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