What Causes Cherry Hemangioma?

Cherry hemangiomas, rather cherry angiomas, are benign tumors that are common among adults but rare in children. Studies show that there is a 75% chance that by the time an adult is 70, they will have developed an angioma or multiple of them. They are a type of cutaneous vascular growth, whose etiology is not well-defined. Cherry angiomas are restricted to the skin and are formed by proliferation of small blood vessels. Such a growth is not dangerous and should not alarm you in any way unless it bleeds or increases in size or the color changes. They are also referred to as red moles, senile angiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots.

What Causes Cherry Hemangioma?

What Causes Cherry Hemangioma?

The exact factors that trigger the formation of cherry hemangiomas are unknown. However, they have been linked to a few causes such as genetic background, pregnancy, and exposure to chemicals. Also, there is a relationship between cherry hemangiomas and age. Adults who are 30 years old and above are at a higher risk of developing this kind of hemangiomas. They manifest as cherry red lumps on your skin that increase in size and number as one grows older.

Cherry angiomas arise when endothelial cells that line the blood vessels multiply rapidly forming lumps of excess vessels. Some of the blood vessels that dilate forming the cherry angiomas are also known as venules, which are small veins that collect blood from the capillaries. Despite their small size, they can swell up to the point that they are visible on the skin surface. The cherry red color of the senile angiomas is as a result of the vessels breaking open. Other risk factors which increase one’s likelihood of developing a red mole include; certain medical conditions e.g. liver dysfunction, sun exposure, and hormonal changes.

What do Cherry Hemangiomas look like?

Cherry hemangiomas are bright cherry-red in color, small-sized and smooth on the skin, although they can stick out. Sometimes they can appear deep blue or purple in color depending on how deep they are beneath the skin surface. They have a circular or oval shape and are most prevalent on your torso, legs, shoulders, and arms. Most cherry angiomas don’t grow into large ones and they measure from as small as the size of a pinhead to about a quarter inch in diameter. Whenever the hemangiomas are disturbed or traumatized, they tend to bleed a lot. So, it is important to visit a doctor to ensure that they do not cause other health issues. Otherwise, they are harmless and there’s no need to treat them unless they are on sensitive areas.

Treating Cherry Angiomas

There are various conventional treatment methods for cherry angiomas that will get rid of them completely. Many people with these red moles wonder whether they can develop into a cancerous tumor and the only way to be sure is via a biopsy. For those who choose to remove the cherry angiomas, their motive is to improve their appearance because they do not like how the angiomas feel or look on their skins. The medical treatment options for cherry hemangiomas include cryotherapy, shave excision, laser treatment and burning the growth using electrosurgery. Home remedies are also an ideal way of treating cherry-red blood vessel tumors which is more natural with minimal side effects. You can apply essential oils or apple cider vinegar, limit exposure to chemicals and detoxify to improve liver health and hormonal balance as well.


Cherry hemangiomas are common noncancerous tumors that hardly cause any health complications. The major problems you may encounter with this tumor include bleeding and distorting your physical appearance. There is no known cause for the Campbell de Morgan spots, but we know they are a collection of blood vessels. Both men and women are at risk of developing cherry hemangiomas once they reach 30 years of age and it all points back to genetic composition. A cherry angioma will not go away on its own, so you can seek treatment to remove it.

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 6, 2018

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