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What Is The Best Treatment For Milia?

Milia refers to a condition of the skin in which tiny little bumps occur on the skin of typically the nose, chin and cheeks. These are usually seen in new-born babies and infants. However, they can be seen in persons of any age and sex.[1]

What Is The Best Treatment For Milia?

There is no need to treat milia, as milia usually disappear on its own within a few days or at the most a few weeks. Hence, there cannot be a best treatment as such.[2]

However, if they are a cause of concern or just causing plain discomfort, there are several ways that may help you to deal with them. Let us have a look at the different ways that may help you to take care of milia-

What Is The Best Treatment For Milia?

Never try to remove or poke them on your own

  • Doing this may lead to bleeding, scabbing and scarring
  • This may also be a cause of germs entering the area and causing an infection
  • It is best to leave them alone, especially in babies under 6 months of age
  • If at all they bother you a lot, it is best to see your doctor about the same[3]

Clean the area regularly

  • Clean your face and the affected area regularly with a gentle, non-irritating soap
  • Do not use harsh soaps or cleansers as they can strip off the natural oils in your skin that are necessary to maintain the oil balance and health of your skin
  • Pat the skin dry after washing. Letting it air dry will make it dry and chafed


  • Taking steam after cleansing will help in opening the clogged pores[4]
  • Anything trapped in the pores will find a way to get out due to steaming


  • Gently exfoliate the skin
  • This will help your skin get rid of the trapped irritants that are the cause of milia
  • However, don’t overdo it, as it may irritate the skin further[5]

Apply some rose water

Spritzing some rose water may give some relief from milia.

Choose a right sunscreen

Wearing a light sunscreen can protect you from sun’s harmful rays as well as give some protection from the irritation that may lead to milia

Using a retinoid cream

  • Using a topical retinoid cream can help you get rid of milia according to some experts
  • Retinoid creams are the ones that have vitamin A
  • Vitamin a is extremely essential for your skin health
  • These creams can be used once a day, on a clean and dry face[6]

However, make sure to apply a sunscreen when using retinoid creams, as these creams increase the skin’s susceptibility to UV damage

Apart from these methods, there are a few treatment options that can be sought with the help of your doctor, if your milia is causing you discomfort. These methods are as follows-

  • Deroofing- this technique involves picking of the contents of the cysts by a sterile needle[7]
  • Cryotherapy- in this method, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze milia. This is the commonest method used in the treatment of milia
  • Chemical peels- the first layer of the skin is peeled off with the use of the chemical peels and the new skin is uncovered
  • Topical retinoids- these usually come in the form of creams that contain vitamin a in large amounts. These are used for exfoliation of the skin.
  • Laser ablation- in this method, by focusing laser on the affected areas the cysts are removed
  • Destruction curettage- the cysts are removed or scraped surgically and then cauterized in this treatment method
  • Diathermy- thermy refers to heat. In this method extreme heat is used to destroy the cysts[8]

Milia cannot be prevented. Also, there is no need to treat milia as it usually goes away on its own within a few weeks or months. However, simply to ease the discomfort, some of the above given methods can be implemented.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 28, 2022

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