What Is The Best Way To Get Rid Of Age Spots?

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Age Spots?

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Age Spots?

Treatment method Advantages Disadvantages
Home remedies for age spots
  • Easily available
  • Cost effective
  • Very less side effects
  • No need to consult a dermatologist or any doctor to take the treatment
  • Takes a long time to reduce age spots
  • Needs to be applied daily for several weeks or months to get the effect
  • Can develop allergic reactions
Hydroquinone for age spots
  • Not an invasive procedure
  • Cost effective
  • Takes several weeks to reduce the age spots
  • Needs to be applied daily
  • Can develop allergic reactions
  • Can develop a temporary dryness, redness and burning of the skin during the initial period
  • If not applied properly normal skin also can lighten
  • Some studies have shown that there is a risk of cancer with the use of hydroquinone
Retinoids for treating age spots
  • Not an invasive procedure
  • Cost effective
  • Takes several weeks to reduce the age spots
  • Needs to be applied daily
  • Can develop allergic reactions
  • Retinoid reaction can occur which is characterized by pruritus, burning sensation at the sites of application, erythema and peeling
  • Photosensitivity can occur at the initial stages of treatment
Laser and intense pulse light therapy for treatment of age spots
  • Laser and intense pulse light therapy is the best way out of all the methods
  • It remove the age spots permanently and it also reduce the age spots recurring again
  • Within a short period of time you will be able to get results (with 2-3 session)
  • It also reduce the other early signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles and scars
  • There is very minimum pain after the procedure
  • Very expensive
  • Burns and other injuries from the heat can occur
  • If a patient’s skin is very sensitive and intense it can result in mild scarring following treatment
  • Mild swelling will develop after the procedure in some people
  • There is a risk of infection
  • When new age spots appear it is not good to repeatedly use laser and intense pulse light therapy
  • There is a risk of getting hyperpigmentation (increased pigmentation) or hypopigmentation (decreased pigmentation) depending on your skin tone
Microdermabrasion for age spots
  • Less cost than the laser treatment
  • Non-surgical and less-invasive procedure therefore you can go back to your normal activities immediately.
  • It’s quite effective No risk of infection or permanent scarring after the procedure if it was performed by a qualified person.
  • Since its less aggressive procedure it leaves mild skin blemishes with a smoother appearance
  • It also reduce the other early signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles and scars
  • Temporary redness and irritation can occur just after the treatment
  • If there is lot of scarring associated with age spots repeated treatment will be needed to remove the scars
  • You have to undergo the procedure several times to remove the age spots
  • If you have rosacea or tiny red veins on your face, this technique could make the condition worse.
Chemical peeling for age spot treatment
  • The cost is very less than the topical treatments
  • It will reduce the age spots and other skin blemishes such as scars, wrinkles
  • Continue treatment is needed for a several months to remove the age spots
  • Redness and irritation can occur at the initial period
  • There is a risk of getting permanent skin pigment changes
  • Chemical burns and permanent scarring can also occur
Cryotherapy for age spot treatment
  • It’s not an invasive procedure
  • Less cost compared to laser therapy and microdermabrasion
  • Can remove age spots in a short period
  • Temporary skin irritation
  • Risk of permanent scarring and discoloration
  • Can only be used on single spots or on small groups of spots
Microneedling age spot treatment
  • Microneedling can remove age spots, scarring effectively
  • Microneedling is an minimally invasive procedure which can be done in a clinic setting
  • Microneedling for age spots is an invasive procedure compared to other treatment methods
  • Needs at least about four session to completely remove age spots
  • After the procedure you need to rest for some time before engaging with normal activities
  • There is a risk of bleeding, bruising, peeling and infection after the procedure.


The advantages and disadvantages of each procedure are mentioned above. You can select what is the best way to get rid of age spots by using the method that fits you the most. Remember all treatment methods are with some risk, there is no treatment without any risk. Consult your dermatologist before beginning any regimen for your existing medical conditions.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 8, 2019

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