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Types & Benefits Of Elbow Pads

Elbow pads are protective padded gear, that are worn on the elbows by many athletes, especially the cyclists, hockey players, volleyball players, skiers, skateboarders and wrestlers. Even soldiers often wear these elbow pads. These elbow pads protect the elbows against injury during a fall or a strike. To know about the types and benefits of elbow pads, read the following sections.[1]

Types & Benefits Of Elbow Pads

Types Of Elbow Pads:

May it be the elbow pads or the knee pads, these pads are rated in levels of their protection. So, Elbow pads, are mostly rated mainly as Level 1 elbow pads and Level 2 elbow pads. Let’s take a look at them in a more detailed manner:

Level 1 Rated Protection Elbow Pads:[2]

This type of elbow pads are designed for partial impact protection and are made so as to allow maximum comfort through airflow, have a good range of motion and being lighter compared to the higher rated protection pads. Level 1 protection elbow pads are adequate enough for most inline skating activities.

Level 2 Rated Protection Elbow Pads:[3]

This type of elbow pads are essential for everyone, maybe in team or individual, in which impact or fall damage is likely or expected. Level 2 protection pads are generally important in competitions or team sporting events, however; should almost always be used while doing aggressive skating. These types of pads have extended surface area protection for providing coverage past the point of impact. Even, they have larger straps and some of them have sleeves, to allow the skater better support. The padding size in such levels of pads, is increased.

Benefits Of Elbow Pads:[4]

Elbow pads are, mostly beneficial for those who participate in sports that involve diving or sliding. Even, some job activities involve leaning on the elbow for longer time and thus, elbow pads are very much essential. There are some noted benefits of wearing elbow pads. Below are some of them we have mentioned.

Elbow Pads Help relieves Pain Caused By Tight Muscle Tension:

One of the most important benefits of elbow pads is that you can receive enough pain relief from it. When your muscles are not at stress, they get enough rest they actually need. Having your elbow free from any unwanted movement(by wearing elbow pads), will allow it to rest as well.

It Prevents Chronic Injury:

Most of us treat pain after any injury; while some of us prevent it before injury happen. If you are involved in actions with repetitive overload on your forearm muscles, then you could benefit a lot by wearing elbow pads.

Elbow Pads Are Less Expensive Alternatives To Doctor’s Treatments:

Wearing elbow pads and preventing injuries or getting pain relief is a less expensive alternative to doctor’s visits, treatments, and medications. So, it is good if you can manage the pain with these pads.


Though elbow pads could be beneficial in relieving pain in elbows, it is always essential for you to consult your doctor in case the pain lasts long or in case there is moderate to severe pain.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 9, 2020

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