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Is Snapping Hip Syndrome Serious?

Snapping Hip Syndrome is medically known as coxa saltans in which the affected individual feels a snapping sound in the hip whenever they move the hip joint such as when walking or getting up from a seated position. This is usually caused by inflammation of the tendon surrounding the hip socket which then rub on the socket causing this sound as if the hip is snapping.[1]

Overuse is the primary cause for Hip Snapping Syndrome. This condition is seen commonly in women, although men may also get this at times. [2] At times, a torn cartilage or tendon may also cause a Snapping Hip Syndrome, although this is far less common.

There are basically three types of Snapping Hip Syndrome namely internal, external, and intraarticular. A Snapping Hip Syndrome if left untreated may increase the risk for a joint damage. Athletes and dancers are at an increased risk for developing Snapping hip Syndrome.

In some cases, Snapping Hip Syndrome may also cause the hip to lock which can be quite painful for the affected individual to an extent that it becomes quite a challenge to carry out activities of daily living due to the pain.

Is Snapping Hip Syndrome Serious?

Is Snapping Hip Syndrome Serious?

The answer to this question is that in majority of the cases Snapping Hip Syndrome is more of an annoyance than true disability and it does not signify that something serious is going on with the hip joint.

The snapping sound that the affected individual with this condition experiences may sound more serious than it actually is. This is especially true when the individual is walking, running, or dancing. Such individuals also experience pain and weakness which may at times affect their performances.

However, Snapping Hip Syndrome is not a condition that should be left alone. It requires treatments to improve the pain and weakness that is caused as a result of Snapping Hip Syndrome.[3]


Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:July 3, 2020

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