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Does Ice Help Shin Splints?

Shin splints1 refer to a pain along the shin bone that is usually caused by the overuse of leg muscles. They are called overuse injuries and can be cured as well as prevented. They are very common in sportspersons and athletes.

Does Ice Help Shin Splints?

Does Ice Help Shin Splints?2

  • Ice application or a cold compress can help shin splints
  • An ice massage can help in constriction of blood flow and also, help in numbing the pain
  • For an acute or newly developed shin pain or shin splints, it is good to use ice massage or cold compress
  • Ice will reduce the inflammation and pain
  • It will also cut short the recovery period or the healing time for shin splints
  • Shin splints usually disappear on their own. Taking a proper rest can help in alleviating the condition. However, if the symptoms persist, some of the following methods can be tried to treat the condition.
  • Shin splints generally go away with proper rest. Giving the body some time to heal itself will take care of shin splints
  • the pain and swelling can remarkably decrease with ice massage or a cold compress
  • do this every 3 to 4 hours for about half an hour, till the pain and discomfort reduces
  • try using shock-absorbent orthotics or insoles
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines can help in reducing the inflammation and pain
  • However, do not overlook the fact that these medicines can have certain side-effects
  • It is better not to overuse or misuse them

Consult a physiotherapist if the problem keeps returning. Physiotherapy can provide you a tailored solution according to your condition and may help you get better faster

Precautions For Shin Splints3

Shin splints can be very painful at times. You may feel like not performing any exercises at all just because of the pure pain that you experience. To prevent shin splints from coming back and help you get back on track as soon as possible, try these simple techniques to find positive results-

  • Use Good fitting shoes that provide a good support while exercising. Replace the running shoes every 300-400 miles
  • Try using insoles or orthotics that are shock-absorbent. You can easily find them over the counter or get custom made if none of them are as per your needs
  • Avoid exercising on hard, slanting or uneven surfaces
  • Increase the exercise intensity gradually. Any abrupt changes can cause shin splints
  • Try taking shorter strides and run as mid-foot as possible
  • It is better to cross train in between. Alternating between running and other exercises like cycling or swimming can help the body recover and prevent shin splits
  • Do a proper warm- up routine before starting any exercises and include appropriate stretches before and during the activity
  • Take proper rest when there is a pain.
  • Avoid exercising when you experience pain, or any other abnormal symptoms. Continuing the activity during the pain will only worsen the condition
  • Don’t perform workouts that only concentrate on one muscle group. The exercises should help you in getting an overall development of your body and not cause trauma in the process
  • Take help of physiotherapy whenever needed

Diagnosis Of Shin Splints4

Shin splints can usually be diagnosed during a physical examination. A history of physical activities and the techniques of performing those activities can help in confirming the diagnosis.

Shin splints is the commonest leg injury that is faced by most sportspersons and athletes around the world. Runners are typically more prone to them because of the repetitive nature of the activity. Shin splints is often called an overuse injury. It is a curable as well as preventable condition. Shin splints usually go away on their own. if they do not heal themselves, a little intervention by way of simple techniques can be useful. Applying an ice pack or a cold compress can help in shin splints by relieving you of pain and inflammation.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 23, 2020

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