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What Are Shin Splints And How Do You Get Rid Of Them?

What Are Shin Splints?1

Shin splints mean pain along the inner aspect of the shin (tibia) which is related to physical activity. Shin splints are also called medial tibial stress syndrome.2 Shin splints occur after vigorous physical activity, it is more common in people who do running and other sports with repeated weight bearing on the legs such as basketball, tennis, also seen in dancers and military recruiters as well. It can also occur in people who are new to a fitness program or to athletics, or to sports. It is not a serious condition; however, if you ignore it tends to get worst and limit your physical activity.

What Are Shin Splints And How Do You Get Rid Of Them?

How To Get Rid Of Shin Splints?3

Rest: Rest is the best way to get rid of shin splints. Shin splints are caused by excessive exercises and repeated strain on the legs, therefore, rest is the best treatment for shin splints. So, you need to have few weeks rest and avoid that physical activity which caused shin splints. Usually the pain will subside within few hour or days but to recover completely you need to avoid the physical activity for about 2 weeks. During that time, you can engage in other lower impact aerobic activities such as cycling, swimming, yoga or an elliptical trainer.

Ice: Applying ice is yet another way to get rid of shin splints naturally. After the shin splints injury applying ice for the first three days will relieve the pain and swelling.e numbs the pain, causes blood vessels to constrict and this will reduce the swelling as well. Applying ice should be done for just 15 to 20 minutes every four to six hours only on the first three days after the symptoms occur. Also make sure not to apply ice directly on the skin, put a towel or a piece of cloth between the ice pack and the skin, if not this can leads to irreversible skin and tissue damage.

Compression: Wear an elastic compression bandage which prevents further swelling in shin splints.

Pain Medication: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium, and naproxen can help to reduce the shin splints inflammation. The pain in shin splints also subsides with these drugs.

Supportive Shoes: Wear proper shoes that support your feet with good cushioning. Wear these shoes during your daily activities this will reduce the pain and inflammation caused by shin splints.

After about two weeks you can start your previous physical activity, make sure to gradually increase the physical activity. Wear well-fitting proper shoes when you do physical activity or exercises.

What Causes Shin Splints?4

Shin splints occur due to the inflammation of the muscles, tendons where it attach to the tibia, which is the inner aspect of the tibia. Pain occurs due to the inflammation. This inflammation occurs due to the increase workload and repetitive activity on the muscles and tendons.

Shin splints usually occur after a sudden change in your physical activity. Most of you who are athletes or sports person, you need to have regular physical activity to have good stamina. Shin splints occur when there are sudden changes in your physical activity

  • Increasing the duration
  • Increasing the intensity
  • Increasing the number of days per week you do physical activity.
  • Shin splints can also occur when you start your physical training program.
  • During the initial period your muscles and tendons are not used to the physical activity, therefore these tend to inflame and cause shin splints.
  • Wearing worn-out or improper shoes which lacks cushion and does not support your feet well.
  • Overweight or obese.
  • Having flat feet and rigid arches.
  • Having weak ankles, very tight calf muscles or a tight Achilles tendon.
  • Doing workouts without warming up and cool down stretching exercises.


Shin splints means pain along the inner aspect of the shin (tibia) which is related to physical activity. Shin splints occur after vigorous physical activity, it’s more common in people who do running, basketball, tennis, dancers and military recruiters. Shin splints occur due to the inflammation of the muscles, tendons where it attach to the tibia. This inflammation occur due to the increase workload and repetitive activity on the muscles and tendons. Few weeks rest and avoiding vigorous physical activity reduce the inflammation. Ice packs, compression bandages and pain medication can also reduce the inflammation.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 25, 2020

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