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Will Hot Bath Help Shin Splints?

Shin splints1 refer to a sharp or dull pain which occurs in the lower part of the legs due to extreme use of muscles. Recently it has been found that taking shower with hot water and Epsom salt i.e. magnesium sulfate can reduce the pain of shin splints. When this is combined with proper massage at the shin and calf muscles, it makes an effective treatment.

Will Hot Bath Help Shin Splints?

Will Hot Bath Help Shin Splints?

There are many simple solutions to reduce the shin splints pain and continue with the normal life. Hot water bath is quite an effective treatment for shin splints along with other treatments.

Bathing with hot water with Epsom salt in it, helps in reducing the swelling of shin splints. The Epsom salt particularly helps in drawing out the lactic acid, which builds up in the muscles and causes pain. It also helps in tightening of the muscles. It flushes out toxins from the body. When the water is hot, the heat draws the blood flow towards the muscles and the skin pores get opened. The open pores of the skin are able to absorb the Epsom salt directly from the skin to the muscles. This Epsom salt can be easily found at a local pharmacy near your home.

Another very important step is to wear shin splints walking shoes if you want to continue your routine life and if you are constantly mobile and do not want to hamper your work and daily routine, then you should wear a pair of shoes which is exclusively meant for shin splints.

Tips To Follow For Prevention Of Shin Splints

If you are a runner, new or pro and you want to prevent shin splints then you need to use good running shoes while you run. Good running shoes should have proper cushioning and support which should be supplied according to the type of feet, its structure and pace of running.

Running is a strenuous exercise and can negatively affect the muscles and joint straightaway. Therefore, it is important to warm up before doing any stretching or heavy exercise or even running. This will reduce the chances of shin splints.

The muscles of the lower legs are often neglected while training, which should not be done; in fact none of the muscle group of the body should be neglected. The muscles of the lower legs should also be conditioned and stretched to prevent shin splints.

Anatomy Of Shin Splints

Shin splints are also known as the Medial Tibial Stress syndrome2 and is used to describe the pain in the lower legs, especially in the muscles which are attached to the Tibia and fibula bones of the lower legs. It is a fatigue and trauma condition of the tendons which are attached to the muscles and the bone (tibia). When there is too much force applied to these tendons, they often get partly detached from the bones. This excessive force cause stress on the bones and muscles; when there is wrong training of the muscles, there is accumulation of lactic acid.

Causes Of Shin Splints3

When someone starts exercising or using the muscles suddenly, like running, dancing, aerobics etc., there is a muscle fatigue and there is accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles due to anaerobic respiration of the cells or because of the insufficient supply of oxygen to the muscle cells. Due to accumulation of lactic acid, the person starts feeling a sharp or intense pain in the lower part of the legs. Sometimes this pain is so intense that the person is not able to even walk properly. The person has to take care of certain habits to treat this pain and relax the muscles.


The causes of shin splints can be many. Even the pro runners or athletes who change their mileage or intensity of running may face this issue. It is better to take recommended precautions to prevent it, but if it still happens, it can be treated with hot water bath and other methods.


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:November 26, 2020

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