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Upper Back & Neck Injuries

Pulled Neck Muscle or Neck Strain: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Pulled neck muscle or neck strain is a condition where there is injury to the muscles and tendons which support and help in movement...

What is Whiplash? Know its Symptoms and Treatment

An injury to the neck which is caused by constant forward and backward movement of the head is called "Whiplash". It is also known...

Costovertebral Joint Sprain: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Physical Therapy, Exercises

There are several joints in the spine such as intervertebral joints, costovertebral joints, etc. The joints that are formed between thoracic vertebrae and ribs...

Intervertebral Sprain: Causes, Treatment, Role Of Physiotherapist In Treatment

The term "intervertebral" means between the vertebrae of the spine. Structure of intervertebral space includes ligament, cartilage, and bone. Any injury or sprain caused...

Kyphosis: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Taping Technique, Classification

Postural deformity of the upper back and neck is called Kyphosis. In this case, upper back appears curved in shape with shoulders rounded and...

Brachial Plexus Injury: Symptoms, Causes, Diagosis, Treatment

What is Brachial Plexus Injury? To know about a brachial plexus injury, we need to first know as to what is brachial plexus? The brachial...

Cervical Vertebrae Dislocation: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Cervical Vertebrae Dislocation– Neck injuries are one of the most traumatic, painful, and disabling injuries which an individual can have at any point in...

Broken Neck or Neck Fracture: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Physical Therapy, Recovery Period

What Is Broken Neck or Neck Fracture? A Broken Neck or Neck Fracture is a break in any of the seven bones that constitute the...

Brachial Neuritis or Neuralgic Amyotrophy

What Is Brachial Neuritis Or Neuralgic Amyotrophy? Brachial Neuritis or Neuralgic Amyotrophy is a medical condition in which there is inflammation of the nerves of...

Cervical Kyphosis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

Kyphosis is a term that describes a curve in the spine. Cervical kyphosis is a curve in the cervical spine, in the neck region. The...
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