Lifestyle Modifications For Moyamoya
After surgery, patients are first allowed to take liquids gradually regular diet is given as tolerated. Apart from that, patients must adopt some lifestyle modifications to stay healthy. These lifestyle changes are as follows:
Hydration. It is highly recommend to patients of Moyamoya to stay hydrated. Patient must take 2-3 liters of water per day.
Sports. Patients with Moyamoya are advised not to play sports. Usually, they will have low energy levels for few weeks after the surgery. Sports may leave them dehydrate causing them to fall. In order to avoid consequences due to dehydration, it is recommended not to play sports for few weeks after the surgery until they recover completely.
Patients With Gastric Ulcers. Patients of Moyamoya disease are prescribed with antiplatelet drugs like aspirin on daily basis after surgery. These medication acts as blood thinners. These medications are meant for thinning blood and promote flow of blood in the vessels. Patients having gastric ulcers are advised to be cautious when prescribed with these medications. Such patients are recommended to take enteric coated tablets (resistant to gastric acid) and take tablet along with the food. If still not tolerated, advised to consultant their surgeon for a change of medication.
Family Planning. Birth control medicines may put patient at risk of blood dyscrasias like bleeding problems. Thus, it is recommended not using this medication by Moyamoya patients who are already on anti-coagulants and anti-platelets. Alternative ways of family planning are advisable to follow.
Pregnancy. Moyamoya patients are not recommended to restrict pregnancy after surgical treatment. During the pregnancy, patients can take Aspirin as recommended by physician. Method delivery is up to patient & the obstetrician. It is highly recommended to inform obstetrician about their condition and medication using currently.
Blood Pressure. Blood pressure should be maintained in the normal range that is below 120 mm of Hg for systolic blood pressure and below 80 mm of Hg for diastolic blood pressure. Blood pressure can also be maintained using dietary changes like restriction the amount of salt consumed on daily basis. Dietary salt allowance is 5g/day by an individual, recommended by WHO. If you are diagnosed with High B.P, you should be careful and monitor your B.P on regular basis. Compliance to medication recommended is of highly important. As high blood pressure is a high risk factor for stroke, blood pressure must be maintained at normal level.
Diabetes. Patients with diabetes are strictly recommended to control their blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels will harden the blood vessels which further increases the risk of stroke occurrence.
Headache. Usually, headache may or may not be related to Moyamoya disease. If headache characteristics have been changed after surgery, you should contact physician. It may require a long term pain management, if the patient presents with persistent headache after surgery.
Constrictive Devices Usage. Patients who have undergone for direct or indirect bypass grafts will be having a risk of compressing their grafts. If patients wear eye-glasses or other devices that fits too closely around temple area of head, they show high risk of compressing their grafts. It should be discussed with their physician.
Medical Tests. Patients are recommended to be tested their health following at an interval of 6 months, 3 years, 10 years and 20 years. They should undergo angiogram, MRI, neuropsychology and blood flow studies. Patient who has unilateral Moyamoya, it is recommended to have an annual CT angiogram and MRI/MRA to check the progression of disease on other side. It is always better to consult doctor every year after surgery to take prompt intervention whenever needed.
Beverages. It is recommended avoiding sugary and caffeinated beverages.
It is concluded that patients are advised to take precautions to prevent recurrence of stroke.
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