Moyamoya disease is a progressive type of blood vessel i.e. vascular disorder, in which your carotid artery of the skull narrows or blocks to reduce the flow of blood into your brain. Because of this, tiny blood vessels open up at the brain base area to supply blood to your brain resulting in Moyamoya disease. As the tiny clusters or blood vessels fail to supply the required oxygen and blood to your brain, they cause permanent or temporary brain injury.
Even the condition may result in mini stroke or Transient ischemic attack, bulge, stroke, aneurysm or ballooning in the blood vessel and bleeding in the patient’s brain. Even the problem of Moyamoya affects the way, in which brain of an individual should work and causes disability or developmental and cognitive delays.
What Is Moyamoya Disease Surgery?
Surgery To Cure Moyamoya Disease/Manage Its Symptoms
If your symptoms related to Moyamoya disease becomes worse or if your test results show evidences related to low supply of blood, your doctor will recommend you to undergo with revascularization surgery. The main objective behind the surgery is to avoid neurologic deterioration from cardiac problems and strokes.
Types Of Surgeries Available
Until now, doctors opt for either of the two different types of surgical procedures to manage the symptoms related to Moyamoya disease in patients. These include-
Direct Revascularization
In case of direct revascularization type of surgical procedure, doctors connect a specific branch from the scalp artery to another branch connected to the brain artery on its outer surface. In this way, surgery gives immediate improvement in the supply of blood and oxygen to your brain.
Indirect Revascularization
In case direct revascularization technique fails to relieve patients, doctors choose for several other indirect surgical methods to make sure about relatively higher amount of blood supply or flow towards the brain. These include the following-
Omental-Cerebral Transposition. In case of Omental-Cerebral Transposition surgery, doctors lay the blood-rich lining surrounding the body organs in your abdomen on the brain surface to allow new blood vessels to grow and develop into your brain.
EMS i.e. Encephalo Myo Synangiosis. EMS involves an indirect bypass surgery, where doctors dissect the temporalis muscles and later on, they place them over the brain surface.
EDAS i.e. Encephalo Duro Arterio Synangiosis. EDAS surgical procedure uses a special branch belonging to the temporal artery laid directly on the brain surface without any direct connection to create a new type of blood and oxygen supply.
Post-Operative Care and Precautions
Irrespective of the type of surgical procedure, a patient undergoes with Moyamoya related surgical treatment should stay in the hospital for 3days. This is because; after operation, some patients experience minor pain in their scalp area because of incision, while others may even suffer from headaches.
Symptoms Of Moyamoya Disease
Moyamoya disease starts with the symptom of TIAs i.e. Transient Ischemic Attacks or stroke in children. Even adults also experience the same symptoms, but they usually experience hemorrhagic stroke i.e bleeding the brain because of abnormal brain vessels. Moreover, there are additional accompanying signs and symptoms related to Moyamoya disease, also known as reduction in the flow of blood towards the brain. These include-
- Seizures
- Headache
- Numbness, weakness or paralytic attack in the arm, face and leg i.e. typically on a particular side of the body.
- Visual disturbances along with vision loss in some cases
- Aphasia problem i.e. speaking difficulties
- Delays in the development procedure
- Cognitive decline
- Involuntary movements
- Each of the mentioned symptoms triggers from crying, physical exercise, fever, straining and coughing activities.
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