Lumbar lordosis or lumbar swayback can be defined as an excessive inward curve of the spine. It is important to stretch your back muscle to free from lumbar lordosis. The exercises for lumbar lordosis can be very helpful in increasing overall functional ability of the spine.
Stretches of Hip Flexor
The first step to do this exercise for lumbar lordosis is to stand straight in normal standard position with both the hands resting on your sides. Now, bring one leg forward bending at the knee joint and then take one leg backward bending slightly at the knee toes touching the ground. Keep your palms one over the other on the forwarded leg. Bend backward until the hip flexor is stretch to optimum level or you should feel muscle stretch at hip joint and then come back to initial position. Repeat this Stretches of hip flexor in standing position for 10 times.
Lower Back Muscle Stretches
The initial position for this lumbar lordosis exercise is to lie down on the floor on your back with legs full stretched, now pull your knees slowly on to your chest and now hold your legs with palms below the knee caps. Inhale deeply when you are performing the exercise. Hold in the position for 30-50 seconds and then come back to the initial position. Repeat this exercise for lumbar lordosis 10 to 20 times.
Abdominal Crunch
To begin with abdominal crunch exercise for lumbar lordosis is to lie flat on your back with legs full stretched straight and feet on the floor. Now, put your hands at the back of the head to support your neck and lift your torso or upper body off the ground to 30 degrees angle and then slowly come back to the beginning position. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Oblique Crunch
The first step to do this exercise for lumbar lordosis is to lie flat on your back with legs bent at the knee joint and soles of the feet resting on the floor. Rest the right knee on the left. The right leg is now flexed at the hip and knee joint as well as it is rotated at the hip. Keep your both hands behind the head at the ear level and curl to the right as far as possible and then slowly come back to the initial position. Repeat this lumbar lordosis exercise for 5 to 10 times. Repeat similarly on the other side.
Leg Crunch
Lie down on the floor facing the ceiling and support your neck with your hands at the back of the head. Lift your torso or upper body off the floor as you are going to do abdominal crunches. Maintain the position, then lift your legs off the floor and may be 6 inches off the floor while performing this exercise and open the legs as wide as possible. Now, bring your legs together slowly down and cross them. Repeat this lumbar lordosis exercise for 10 times.
Hip Extension in The Supine Position or Bridge Crunch
The initial position for this lumbar lordosis exercise is to lie flat on your back with knees flexed and soles of the feet resting on the floor apart from each other. Keep your both hands at their respective sides with palms facing the ground. Now lift your hips upward as much as you can with squeezing of your gluteus muscles and hold in this posture for 10 to 15 seconds and return back to the initial position. Repeat this exercise for lumbar lordosis for 10 times a day.