Hip Joint Therapeutic Arthroscopy
- Therapeutic arthroscopy follows diagnostic arthroscopy
- Arthroscope, irrigator and cutting equipment are placed inside the hip joint.
- Image is observed on the television screen.
The Following Diseases Are Treated With Hip Joint Therapeutic Arthroscopy
- Femoral Acetabular Impingement
- Loose Bodies Within Hip Joint
- Labrum Tear
- Synovitis Of Hip Joint
1. Femoral Acetabular Impingement
Two Types Of Impingement:
- CAM Impingement is caused by Uneven superior surface
- Pincer impingement is caused by prominent front edge of the socket.
Following diagnostic arthroscopy, therapeutic arthroscopic surgery is performed. Uneven superior surface is trimmed to even out the superior surface in CAM impingement. The socket is trimmed to prevent pain caused by pincer type impingement
2. Loose Bodies within Hip Joint
- Causes severe pain and stiffness of hip joint
- Loose bodies are seen in patients suffering with degenerative osteoarthritis
- Loose bodies are pieces of cartilages spread into hip joint or attached to head of femur
- Loose bodies from cartilage as seen in osteoarthritis often looks like marbles
- Loose bodies from synovial membrane are soft and seen in rheumatoid arthritis.
- Loose bodies if not removed can damage normal cartilage during joint movements.
- Loose bodies are removed following diagnostic arthroscopy
3. Labrum Tear-
- Labrum is rim of hip joint made of fibrocartilage that runs around the acetabulum
- Piece of labrum tear gets pinched between head of femur and socket resulting in pain
- Labrum tear is repaired early to prevent further deterioration of normal joint cartilage
4. Synovitis Of Hip Joint
- Inflammation of synovial membrane or synovium of hip joint causes severe pain.
- Severe pain is treated by removing synovium membrane
- Removal of synovium is known as Synovectomy
Recovery Time Following Procedure
- Patient is discharged home the same day.
- Physical therapy is advised after 48 hours.
- Physical therapy prevents muscle weakness and improves joint mobility
- Pain medication is necessary for 2 to 3 days only.
- Normal walking and sports activities are possible after 3 to 6 weeks.