
This 3D video demonstrates in detail How a Discography procedure is performed and the functions of Disk and its Diseases.

The vertebral column consists of a series of bones called vertebrae.There are 33 vertebrae that protect the spinal cord and provide thestability to the torso.

Intervertebral disk lies between upper and lower vertebrae. Componentsof disk are softer jelly like nucleus pulposus in the center, annulusfibrosis and cartilaginous end plate at the periphery.

Disk Functions are:

  1. Shock absorberb.
  2. Maintain shape and curvature of back
  3. Support axial load

An intervertebral disc can be damage by excessive pressure, strain orinjury resulting chronic pain. A physician may perform a discographyin order to identify painful discs in the spine.

Disk is damage by:

  1. Normal wear and tear
  2. Degenerative disk disease
  3. Pressure and shear force change
  4. Direct trauma

Disk disease

  1. Bulge disk
  2. Disk herniation
  3. Degenerative disk disease
  4. Rupture disk

Discography is a diagnostic study performed by a physician. Procedureis performed in prone position.After anesthetizing skin and subcutaneous tissue needle is inserted into disk. Needle is placed under X-ray at or near center of disk. Dyeis injected into disk while using image intensifier.

Dye injection induces same pain at much higher intensity. Discographyis performed under strict aseptic surrounding in operating room.

The entire procedure will be seen by doctors on a fluoroscopy screenand access the internal structure of the disc. A discography helps thephysician to recommend the cause of the treatment.

Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 30, 2019

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