This 3d video demonstrates how the Gallbladder Surgery for Gall Stones is performed
Common Symptoms of Gall Stones:
- Intermittent abdominal pain is one of the most common symptoms of gallbladder disease that occurs due to temporary blocking by gallstones in one of the two ducts that carry bile to the intestine from the gallbladder.
- When these stones get struck., they may results swelling in the gallbladder even infection and inflammation of gallbladder that leads to nausea, vomiting and fever which are more serious symptoms of gallbladder disease
Gallbladder Surgery:
With the help of latest laparoscopic techniques this surgery can be done which requires only keyhole incisions. The time taken for recovery is very short.
Prior To Surgery:
- Intravenous line will be started and patient may be given a sedative to relax
- Anesthesia is given to patient; this will make the patient to sleep during the operation and allows surgeon room to work.
- To help patient’s breath during the operation a breathing tube in to patient’s throat through his mouth.
- To help drain fluids in the stomach an orgastric tube placed in to patient’s stomach through his mouth.
During The Surgery:
- Trocars, a sharp instrument, is used by surgeon to gain access to patient’s gallbladder and surrounding structures.
- This helps surgeon to create a series of small holes or ports through patient’s abdominal wall.
- Usually one port will be at the navel or umbilicus.
- To see patient’s abdomen contents more easily, Carbon dioxide is pumped through the umbilical port.
- Laparscope is inserted through the patient’s umbilical port.
- Images from its camera are projected on to a video monitor in the operating room.
- With the help of other instruments through the various ports, surgeon will hold the gallbladder, clip off its main artery and duct, drops it into a specimen bag.
- When the laparoscope is removed, a port valve is left in place briefly to allow all the carbon dioxide to escape from the abdomen.
After The Surgery:
- Breathing and Orogastric tubes will be removed
- Patient will be taken to recovery area for monitoring
- Intravenous lines will be removed once patient’s gastrointestinal system recovers.
- Patient can be discharged in one or two days.