Matsyasana is derived from Sanskrit where “Matsya” means “Fish” and “Asana” is “Pose”. It is said that if Matsyasana or fish pose is performed in water, it makes the body float.
Matsyasana or fish pose if practiced regularly cleanses the blood and promotes blood circulation in the body like a fish cleanses the water by eating the dirt in the pond.
It is a form of Backward bending pose. These backward bending poses are very favorable for people with back problems and are very good for beginners as they strengthen the muscles, alleviates the mood and increase energy level of the body.
Technique For Performing Matsyasana
In order to do Matsyasana or Fish Pose Yoga:
- Lie flat on your back on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Matsyasana or Fish Pose is ideally done in Padmasana. But since beginners won’t be able to get in to Padmasana, they can either keep their legs straight or fold their legs in Sukhasana.
- Keep your hands relaxed alongside the body while practicing Matsyasana or fish pose.
- Place your hands under the hips in such a way that the palms are facing down. Bring your elbows closer towards each other.
- While Inhaling, lift your chest and head up.
- While keeping your chest elevated lower your head and touch the crown and top of your head on the ground.
- While practicing Matsyasana when your head is touching the floor, slowly lift your elbows and have them rest on the ground in such a way that the pressure is on the elbows and not on the head.
- Lift your chest between the shoulder blades as high as you can.
- Press the thighs and legs to the floor/ if you are in Padmasana, then press the folded legs to the floor.
- Hold this position for 30-40 seconds or as comfortably as you can while gently inhaling and exhaling. Do not over stretch yourself.
- To release Matsyasana or fish pose yoga, gently lower your head on the ground and take the chest downwards to touch the back on ground.
- Release Padmasana and do any relaxation Asanas like Shavasana.
Benefits Of Matsyasana Or Fish Pose
- One of the benefits of Matsyasana or Fish Pose yoga is that it increases the blood supply to spine and back thus making them supple and flexible.
- It helps to cure respiratory disorders like Asthma and Bronchitis.
- Matsyasana or Fish pose yoga is beneficial in curing of bleeding hemorrhoids.
- Practicing Matsyasana helps relieve constipation if done regularly.
- This is a very good Yogasana for people with constant sitting jobs like for people working in IT field or people who travel regularly on bus, bike or car as it can cause neck pain. Practicing Matsyasana or Fish Pose Yoga can help relieve the neck pain permanently.
- Regular practice of Matsyasana makes the lungs strong.
- It helps get rid of diseases like Epilepsy and Leprosy as well.
- Regular practice of Matsyasana or Fish Pose Yoga is beneficial in curing impotency as well.
- Matsyasana helps in curing stiffness caused by performing advanced asanas like Sarvangasana or Halasana.
- Matsyasana also helps in the reduction of thigh and belly fat.
- It also helps in relieving tension in shoulders.
- Regular practice of Matsyasana or Fish pose yoga improves the posture.
Precautions To Be Taken While Performing Matsyasana
- People with High/Low Blood Pressure should not perform Matsyasana.
- People with serious back and neck injuries also should not practice this asana.
- People suffering from insomnia should not perform Matsyasana.
Tips For Practicing Matsyasana
- People who cannot get into Padmasana should not overexert themselves and should do Matsyasana or fish pose yoga with legs stretched.
- While starting the Matsyasana practice, place the hands next to head.
- If you place pillows behind your back, it will become easier to perform this pose.