Improper or poor digestion is the root of all problems. Constipation occurs because of bad digestion which ultimately results in many diseases. Piles is also a result of poor or disturbed digestion including bad lifestyle and others.
The one stop solution to Piles and Constipation which most of the physician’s advice is medicine or removal of hemorrhoids if you have them. There is not much emphasis on the natural cure for Constipation and Piles.
Yoga is one of the natural solutions to get rid of piles and constipation. It helps keep the anal muscles relaxed and the blood flow also remains enough to the muscles which keeps away from getting hemorrhoids.
Constipation is the result of immediate problems happening in the digestive tract and reflects itself while Piles or hemorrhoids is the result of a long term or ongoing disturbance in the digestive system.
Yoga helps get rid of constipation with this the toxins are removed from the body and the natural balance of the body is restored. Certain life style modifications are also required along with yoga for the treatment of piles.
10 Yoga Asanas For Constipation and Piles
The yoga asanas which help in the treatment of constipation and piles are mentioned below:
Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand
This yoga asana offers tremendous health benefits and improving digestion or the digestive system is one of them. Regular practice of this yoga asana can help you get rid of constipation and piles.
Steps to Practice Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand
- To practice Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand, lie on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Raise the legs to an angle of ninety degrees to get into Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand Pose.
- Press the floor with your palms, lift the torso and bring the legs forward. Make sure you keep them vertical to the ground while getting into Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand Pose.
- Bend the hands, hold the waist with the palms, balancing and raise the legs to an angle of ninety degrees to the floor.
- Make sure your entire body and legs should be in a straight line and stand vertically to the floor.
- In the final Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand Pose, the whole weight of the body should be resting on both the shoulder blade and adjust if you feel that weight is being held by only one shoulder or if it is not straight.
- Rest the elbow on the floor with palms supporting the body while in Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand Pose.
- Maintain the pose a few breaths or for as long as you can in Sarvangasana or The Shoulder Stand Pose.
- Your eyes should see the toe nail and your legs should not move.
- Lower the legs toe and back. Take the hands from the back and place it on the floor. Briskly bring the back to the floor, the legs and lie down.
Tadasana or The Mountain Pose
Regular practice of this yoga asana can help improve your digestion and elimination.
Steps to practice Tadasana or The Mountain Pose
- To practice Tadasana in standing position, stand straight and keep your legs slightly apart from each other.
- Raise your hands above your head and look straight while focusing on one point in front of you.
- Interlock the fingers of both the hands and turn them upwards in such a way that the palms are towards the ceiling/sky.
- Take a deep breath or while inhaling, stretch your arms, chest and shoulders upwards.
- While practicing Tadasana, the gaze can be adjusted to look a little above while stretching.
- Raise you heels in such a way that all the weight of your body is on the toes.
- Remain in this position for 20-30 seconds.
- Retain your breath while stretching.
- While exhaling, come down to your original position.
- This completes one round of Standing Tadasana.
Surya Namaskar or the Sun salutation pose
Regular practice of this yoga asana can help you tone your digestive system, improves blood circulation, and also stimulates stomach muscles which can help you get rid of constipation and piles.
Steps to practice Surya Namaskar or the Sun salutation pose
- Stand straight with your feet held together.
- Bring your palms to touch each other at the chest level.
- Look straight and focus on the eye center.
- Pranamasana is done at the beginning and end of Surya Namaskar.
- Stand straight and raise both the arms above the head.
- Keep the shoulders wide apart and arms stretched while doing Hasta Uttahanasana.
- While stretching, bend the arms head and upper trunk backwards.
- Maintain this position for a few seconds.
- Inhale while raising the arms.
- Stand erect and bend forward while practicing Padahastasana.
- Bend forward until the both hands touch the ground on either side of the feet.
- Try to touch your forehead to the knees.
- Do not go beyond your limits while practicing Padahastasana. Bend as per your capability and as far as your body allows.
- Always keep the knees straight while practicing Padahastasana.
- Place the hands on either side of the feet at the same level while performing Ashwa Sanchalanasana
- While inhaling, take and stretch the right leg as far as possible to your back while folding the left foot.
- The level of left foot and hands should be same on the ground while performing Ashwa Sanchalanasana.
- Stretch your head and trunk backwards in such a way that the weight of whole body is on your palms.
- Take awareness to your eye center.
- Stay in this position for a few seconds.
- After the Ashwa Sanchalanasana, while exhaling bring your left foot near the right foot.
- While taking the left foot behind, raise your hips and Lower your hands as much as possible between the arms in such a way that the arms and legs form two sides of a triangle.
- In the final position of Parvatasana, the arms and legs should be straight.
- Always try to keep your heel on the floor and bring your head between the knees.
- Go as far as your body allows. Do not overstretch yourself while practicing Parvatasana.
- To practice Ashtanga Namaskara, lower and touch your chin, chest and knees to the floor.
- All other body parts will be above the ground.
- Chin, chest and knees should touch the ground at the same time.
- If it is not possible for you to practice, lower the knees first, then the chest and chin in the end.
- The abdomen and hips will be raised a little from the ground while practicing Ashtanga Namaskara
- After Ashtanga Namaskara, lower the hips to the floor.
- Straighten the elbows on the ground besides the shoulders.
- While inhaling, raise the back and push the chest forward to practice Bhujangasana.
- Arch the back and tilt your head backwards and focus on the eye center.
- Thighs and hips will remain on the floor while the arms will support the trunk while practicing Bhujangasana.
- From Bhujangasana go directly in to Parvatasana.
- While exhaling, raise the buttocks from the floor and lower the heels on the floor.
- Keep the palms on the floor.
- Bend the left leg and bring it between the hands lying on the floor.
- Lower the right knee on the ground and push the pelvis forward.
- Arch the back a little and look upwards. Also tilt your head backwards and focus on the eye center.
- Bring the right foot forward besides the left foot from Ashwa Sanchalanasana.
- Straighten both the knees and try to touch the forehead to the knees.
- While inhaling, bend the head, arms and upper trunk backward while keeping the arms separated from each other and shoulders wide apart.
- Bring the folded palms together in front of the chest.
Adho Mukha Vrksasana or the Handstand
Among the many benefits of this yoga asana is also the fact that it improves digestive system which in turn can help you get rid of constipation and piles.
Steps to Practice Adho Mukha Vrksasana or the Handstand
- To practice Adho Mukha Vrksasana or The Handstand, get on to floor or on the yoga mat.
- Get into Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Facing Dog Pose.
- For beginners who are practicing with the support of a wall, make sure your hands are placed about six inches away from the wall. Keep your palms open and flat on the mat or floor with the fingers spread out wide.
- While exhaling normally, start bending your knees slowly and lift your legs up in such a way that you are balancing your body on the toes. Walk towards your hands while making sure that your shoulders are placed exactly over your wrists.
- To practice Adho Mukha Vrksasana or The Handstand, bend the knee of any one leg and lift the foot of the other leg from the floor.
- You can straighten the leg once you are comfortable in this position.
- Then, as the leg takes the support of the wall, gently lift up the other leg. While you do this, you must make sure your head is between your upper arms.
- Hold the final Adho Mukha Vrksasana or The Handstand for a few breaths or until you are comfortable in the pose.
- When you get comfortable in the final pose with the support of the wall, try to take your feet off the wall and engage your legs while practicing Adho Mukha Vrksasana or The Handstand.
Mulabandhasna or the Root Lock Pose
This yoga asana is beneficial in strengthening the stomach muscles, improving digestion and elimination, getting rid of toxins from digestive tract thereby relieving the problem of constipation and piles.
Steps to Practice Mulabandhasna or the Root Lock Pose
- Sit with the legs outstretched in front of the body on the floor or on the yoga mat to get into Mula Bandha or Root Lock.
- Bend the knees and bring the soles of the feet together to get into Mula Bandha or Root Lock.
- To practice, Mula Bandha or Root Lock, draw the heels towards the body.
- Make sure that the outside of the feet should remain on the floor while getting into Mula Bandha or Root Lock.
- Place your hands behind the buttocks with the fingers pointing backward; raise the buttocks onto the heels.
- Make sure that when you raise your buttock o your heels, your heels press the perineum while practicing Mula Bandha or Root Lock.
- The knees will remain on the floor while practicing Mula Bandha or Root Lock.
- Do not strain the ankles while practicing Mula Bandha or Root Lock.
- Place the hands on the knees in either chin or jnana mudra.
- You can practice nasikagra Drishti while in Mula Bandha or Root Lock.
- Hold the final position for three to four minutes if you are a beginner.
- Advanced practitioners should hold the pose for a longer duration or for as long as is comfortable.
- Release the legs and stretch the legs forward on the yoga mat or on the floor.
- Repeat when all the tension has left the legs and feet.
- You can repeat three to four rounds of Mula Bandha or Root Lock.
Balasana or The Child’s Pose
This yoga asana is a kind of massage for your abdomen and digestive tract and improves digestion thereby curing medical conditions like constipation and piles.
Steps to Practice Balasana or The Child’s Pose
- Sit in Vajrasana.
- Bring your arms to rest backward in such a way that both the arms are lying on either side of the thighs.
- Bend forward and bring your forehead to touch the floor.
- Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Vajrasana or the Thunderbolt Pose
Sitting in this yoga asana will help facilitate proper digestion, improve blood supply to the digestive organs and eliminate problems like constipation and piles.
Steps to Practice Vajrasana or the Thunderbolt Pose
- To practice Vajrasana, sit with your legs outstretched on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Kneel while bending your lower legs backwards in such a way that they are kept together and the big toes of both the feet are crossing each other.
- To practice Vajrasana, gently lower your body on the lower legs in such a way that the thighs are resting on your calves.
- Keep your hands on your knees and set your gaze on a point and look forward while keeping your head and neck straight.
- Maintain your breath while practicing Vajrasana. You should inhale and exhale deeply while sitting in this position.
- Close your eyes while breathing and focus on the eye center and try to calm your mind.
- Beginners should try to stay in this position for 5-10 minutes or until your legs and feet start feeling discomfort.
- Advanced practitioners should stay in this pose for 15-20 minutes or for as long as you can.
Padahastasana or the Hand Under Foot Pose
This yoga asana is beneficial in getting rid of many of the stomach related problems like constipation, indigestion, and piles. It is also useful in eliminating stomach fat. This is one of the best yoga asanas to keep your digestive tract in order.
Steps to Practice Padahastasana or the Hand Under Foot Pose
- To practice Padahastasana, get into Tadasana on the floor or on the yoga mat.
- Bring your arms towards hips in make your hands rest on your hips.
- Take deep breath or inhale deeply and expand your chest while inhaling.
- While exhaling, fold your body starting from the hips and move forward. In this position, your upper body or torso will be perpendicular to the legs.
- Keep bending your body further forward and make your hands touch the floor on the side of your legs. This would require flexibility in the body.
- It will loosen your hamstring muscles over a period with practice. And, if you are not able to touch the floor with the hands, do not strain. Just go as far as you can without pain.
- With constant practice, you will be able to touch the floor with your hands. Also, make sure that you do not bend your knees while practicing Padahastasana.
- Advanced level practitioners can touch their forehead to the knees or can make their head rest between the thighs and their hands can also clasp the ankles.
- This would be Padahastasana’s final position. Stay in this position for a few breaths or for as long as your body feels comfortable.
Mayurasana or the Peacock Pose
One of the best yoga asana to tone your stomach region, burn belly fat, eliminate problems like constipation, piles and diabetes.
Steps to Practice Mayurasana or the Peacock Pose
- Sit on your heels with your knees wide apart.
- Place your hands on the floor with the fingers pointing towards the body.
- Bend your arms in such a way that the elbows are pressing towards the abdomen.
- Touch your head on the floor and bring the strength in the stomach.
- Stretch your legs in such a way that the upper part of feet is facing the floor.
- Shift your body weight on your hands and lift your body off the floor in such a way that the body is parallel to the floor.
- Hold this position for a few breaths or for 10-20 seconds initially.
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Fold Pose
This yoga asana is beneficial in stimulating the internal organs in the stomach region like intestines, kidneys, and liver thereby helping in getting rid of problems like constipation and piles.
Steps to Practice Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Fold Pose
- To practice Paschimottanasana, sit with your legs outstretched on floor or on yoga mat.
- Keel your feet together and hands on your knees.
- This is the starting position for Paschimottanasana and is also called Dandasana.
- Relax the whole body in this position.
- With a deep inhale, raise your hands above your head and give your arms a stretch.
- With a big and deep exhale, start moving your arms forward towards the foot.
- As you move forward, take your hand on your legs as far as possible towards the big toe.
- If this seem impossible, try to grasp the ankle with your hands or any part of the leg which can be reached by hands comfortably.
- The movements should be made slowly, and any jerk should be avoided while practicing Paschimottanasana.
- Try to relax in this position for a few seconds to give a stretch to your leg, back and arm muscles.
- Allow the leg, arm and back muscles to gently stretch.
- While maintaining a firm grip on the toes, gently move your upper body starting from the hip joint towards the legs.
Also Read:
- Q&A on Hemorrhoid or Piles: Is It A Serious Disease?
- Can Constipation Cause Back Pain?
- 35 Simple Home Remedies for Frequent Constipation & Tips to Avoid Constipation
- Yoga for Constipation
- How Much Fiber Should I Eat a Day to Treat IBS Constipation?
- Dos & Don’ts for Piles
- Best Surgical Treatment for Piles