How can yoga help cure sinus infection? If the sinus is able to drain itself in a healthy and natural way, it can be termed as a healthy sinus. The mucous is pushed out of the membrane through small finger like projections that are often seen on the membranes and is called cilia. The nasal cavities and passages are often kept clear of bacteria as well as mucous which prevents it from all sorts of blockage.
The sinus cavities can be drained in a healthy way with the help of yoga. If the cilia are unable to perform the task, yoga sessions may help in its natural functioning. The sinuses can be drained by simple standing, seating and laying down exercises. You can get relief from sinusitis with yoga in instantaneously. These yoga poses can help you in getting a temporary relief from sinus. When these exercises will be performed at a regular pace, any medications for the disorder may not be needed.
All sorts of inverted poses will be included in the sinusitis yoga poses. Inversions are a great way to drain the nasal passages and sinuses. The phlegm is expelled in an easier way and can relieve you of the symptoms for longer than temporary. When used in combination with a therapeutic and healthy diet, the poses can prove to be extremely beneficial.
What Are Some Of The Best Yoga Poses Out There For Treating Sinusitis Infection?
Getting respiratory relief is extremely important for people who are suffering from sinus infections. Some yoga poses help in treating the disorder without any difficulties. The postures can help in flushing the mucous out of cavities and clear the nasal passage. These poses once learnt, can be performed without any constraints and demand very less supervision as well.
Bridge Pose or Setu Bandhasana for People Suffering from Sinusitis
Bridge pose involves inversion in a gentle manner where your entire shoulder and the chest areas works in motion with the gravity. In this pose, the massage of thyroid gland takes place as the chest is lifted towards the chin.
Benefits of Bridge Pose or Setu Bandhasana for Sinusitis:
- Remedial for sinusitis, osteoporosis, and hypertension.
- Stress, anxiety and depression are reduced that lends an unusual calmness to the brain.
- Useful in osteoporosis, asthma, high blood pressure and sinusitis.
- Back muscles are unusually strengthened.
- It helps in relieving the back muscles from tiredness.
- Spine, neck and chest are stretched to the core.
- The thyroid problems are reduced due to opening of the chest.
- Helps in improving digestion.
- The menstrual pain and menopausal symptoms are relieved extensively.
Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana for Treating Sinusitis Infection
Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana forms a basic pose of the traditional Sun Salutation Yoga sequence. It is an excellent asana and comes with some amazing benefits. Follow this pose and stay in it for 1 to 3 minutes. Later, bend the knees and slowly lay on the floor with an exhale for resting in the child’s pose.
Adho mukha svanasana posture can also be called as downward facing dog as it replicates a dog that stretches its limbs when waking up. This asana can be put to practice by a beginner and comes with all the amazing benefits. One can also include it in the daily routine for maximum benefits.
Benefits of Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Svanasana in Treating Sinusitis Infection:
- Soothes the mind and the headache due to sinusitis is relieved along with fatigue as well as insomnia.
- Blood circulation to the brain is improved in an unusual way.
- This pose rejuvenates the body entirely and makes it feel energized.
- The lung capacity is increased as the spine is lengthened; the chest muscles are also strengthened.
- It lends a complete strength to the body, especially in the feet, legs, arms and shoulders.
- The muscles are extraordinarily toned.
Head-to-Knee Forward Bending Pose or Janu Sirsasana to Help Overcome Sinusitis Infection
Head to Knee pose (Janu Sirsasana) is a deep bending pose that offers a complete back stretch along with a mild twist in the torso. This is why; it is extremely beneficial for athletes as well as dancers. The Head-to-Knee pose is practiced in a variety of variations by the ballet dancers that help in stretching the body. This revitalizing and relaxing pose forms a part of the basic series of Ashtanga Yoga.
The pose helps in calming the nervous system along with relieving depression and thus proves to be helpful in getting rid of fatigue, sinusitis headaches and anxiety. With a regular practice, one will get amazing results.
This pose focuses on anatomical parts of the back that includes shoulders, spine, groin and hamstrings. The muscles in these areas are stretched and relaxed as well as the organs such as kidneys and liver are stimulated. The metabolism is regulated and the symptoms of menopause, high blood pressure, sinusitis and insomnia are relieved extensively.
Plow Pose or Halasana: An Effective Pose to Relieve Sinusitis Infection
This yoga pose relates to the agricultural tool that is used by the Indian farmers to prepare the soil for farming. This pose helps the body in adjusting for the further exercises and renders a complete relaxation as well as rejuvenation.
Benefits of Plow Pose or Halasana in Effectively Relieving Sinusitis Infection:
- The shoulder, spine and back of the legs are stretched completely.
- Proves to be therapeutic for infertility, sinusitis and insomnia.
- Releases the chest and the upper back muscles
- The thyroid gland is balanced
- The abdominal organs are also stimulated
- The stress and fatigue are reduced as well as it calms the mind
- Alleviates back pain and headaches.
Seated Forward Bend Pose or Paschimottanasana for Uprooting Sinusitis Infection
Paschimottanasana is called the seated forward bend and ranks fifth in the 12 fundamental stance of Hatha yoga. This posture renders many benefits and the most beneficial one is the complete stretching of the back muscles or the area that forms the back part of the body ranging from head to heels.
Benefits of Seated Forward Bend Pose or Paschimottanasana for Sinusitis Infection:
- Relieves mild depression and stress, which soothes the brain completely
- The hamstrings, spine and shoulders are completely relaxed
- Excites the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus
- Digestion is improved
- The discomfort during menstruation and menopausal symptoms are completely relieved
- Calms headaches and reduce anxiety as well as fatigue
- Therapeutic for sinusitis, high blood pressure, insomnia and infertility
- Ancient studies show that Paschimottanasana amplifies appetite, lessens obesity and heals disorders
Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana for Relieving Sinusitis Infection
In Sanskrit language, “ut” means intense, “tan” means to stretch or extend and “asana” means pose. In English, this can be called as the Standing Forward Bend. In any cases, this posture is extremely revitalizing and therapeutic. In this pose, the head lies below the heart. With this pose, the blood rush to the brain is extensively increased, which rejuvenates the cells to the core and flushes oxygen to it.
Benefits of Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana:
- Remedial for sinusitis, osteoporosis, and hypertension and infertility
- Anxiety and fatigue are reduced
- Alleviates insomnia and headache
- Mild depression and stress are relieved that tranquilizes the brain
- The kidney and liver function is stimulated
- The muscles of hamstrings, calves, and hips are stretched
- The knees and thigh muscles are toned
- Perks up digestion
- Menopausal symptoms are relieved to a great extent
Supported Headstand Pose or Salamba Sirsasana for Sinusitis Infection
The Following are the Benefits of Supported Headstand Pose or Salamba Sirsasana for Sinusitis Infection:
- Therapeutic for infertility, sinusitis, insomnia and asthma
- Renders peace to the brain by relieving mild depression and stress
- Boosts the pineal and pituitary glands
- Reinforces the spine, legs and arms
- Strengthens the lungs
- The abdominal organs are toned
- Perks up digestion
- Menopausal symptoms are relieved.
Shoulder stand Pose or Sarvangasana for Controlling Sinusitis Infection
Shoulder stand or Sarvangasana can be called as the queen of all yoga postures as the Headstand relates to be the King. The outstanding benefits of this pose cannot be underlined as it is a unique pose. It boosts the functioning of entire body parts.
Benefits of Shoulder stand Pose or Sarvangasana for Sinusitis:
- Therapeutic for asthma, infertility, and sinusitis
- Gets rid of insomnia and fatigue is reduced as well
- Renders peace to the brain by relieving mild depression and stress
- Activates the abdominal organs, prostate and thyroid glands
- The neck and the shoulder muscles are stretched
- The buttocks and the legs are toned
- Advances digestion power
- The symptoms of menopause are relieved.
Jala Neti Kriya Technique to Liberate the Sufferers from Sinusitis Infection
Jala Neti is a technique used in Yoga for cleaning the sinuses. Out of the six purification processes used in Hatha Yoga, Neti is one amongst them. The cavities in the sinuses that are blocked with various impurities may often give rise to inflammations, infections as well as headaches. Jala Neti offers a simple option for keeping the sinuses clean from all such impurities.
Benefits of Jala Neti Kriya for Sinusitis Infection:
- Nasal hygiene can be maintained by Neti as it helps in getting rid of the debris and bacteria that is held inside the mucus trapped in the nostrils.
- Jala Neti Kriya numbs the sensitive tissues in the nose for alleviating allergies, asthma and rhinitis.
- Various problems that relate to health such as migraine, sinusitis, headaches and ear problems like tinnitus along with middle ear infections can be alleviated with the help of Neti.
- It can lessen sore throats, upper respiratory complaints, dry coughs and tonsils.
- Improvement in vision by clearing the eye ducts
- Jala Neti Kriya has an unusual effect on the mind. It can help in reducing depression and tension thus giving a sense of calmness to the mind.
Yogic Diet Therapy as a Complementary Treatment for Eliminating Sinusitis Infection
Following a Yogic diet is of prime importance for those who suffer from bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis and a variety of respiratory tract illness. The daily meal should be Satvic, which means that it should be mostly vegetarian with a lot of green vegetables, fruits and sprouts. All the fatty food products must be excluded from the diet as they may worsen the condition. It is better to rise early and avoid sleeping late at night. Practicing poses regularly is recommended for getting a complete and faster result. Sinusitis can be irritating and it is solely upon you to treat yourself well for alleviating the problem permanently.