Understanding the Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose!
Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose is a deep forward bend and is considered one of the best anti-aging postures as it will help you to look and feel younger. The name Yoga Mudrasana is derived from Sanskrit where “Yoga” means “Awareness”, “Mudra” means “Seal” and “Asana” means “Pose” or “Posture”. Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose was practiced by sages in ancient times for its power to awaken the inner Self or the Kundalini. It gives a sense of calmness and increases your mental focus and also helps in concentration.
Yoga Mudrasana stimulates the Manipura or The Solar Plexus Chakra, which is the center of vitality and aids in energy balance.
Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose is said to boost the energy levels of human body both spiritually and physically and promotes overall health.
This asana also awakens the practitioner’s Kundalini power, which promotes physical, mental and spiritual awareness.
The Psychic Union Pose is an advanced yoga pose, so beginners may initially find it difficult to perform.
Like other asanas, it is considered best when Yoga Mudrasana is practiced early in the morning. However, if because of some reason, you are not able to practice it in the morning, you can practice Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose in the evening as well. Mornings are preferred as the food is digested and your body has the energy to perform the asanas. But make sure that when you are practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose in the evening, you should have your food 5 to 6 hours before you practice as your food takes this much time to digest.
This pose helps in enhancing concentration. It focuses on strengthening and stretching the ankles, calves, thighs, hips, and shoulders.
People with heart conditions, diabetes, or severe eye conditions should avoid practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
How to Do Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose
To practice Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union pose, you must get into Padmasana or The Lotus Pose first:
Padmasana or the Lotus Pose
- To practice padmasana, sit on a flat surface on the ground or on the yoga mat with your spine erect and your legs stretched out.
- Gently bend the right knee, and use your hands to place it on your left thigh.
- Make sure that the sole of your foot must point upward, and heel must be close to your abdomen.
- Gently bend the left knee, and use your hands to place it on your right thigh. Make sure that the sole of your foot must point upward, and heel must be close to your abdomen.
- Bring your hands to rest on your knees.
- Make sure your head is straight and the spine erect at all the time while practicing Padmasana.
- Maintain your breath. Take long and deep breaths while practicing Padmasana and focus on the eye center while closing the eyes and become aware of all the body parts.
- Sit in Padmasana for as long as you can.
- Repeat the same pose with the other leg on top.
Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose
- To practice Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose, sit in padmasana on the floor or on The Yoga Mat.
- Make sure that you close the eyes while getting into The Psychic Union Pose.
- Relax the body for some time while breathing normally in this position.
- Hold one wrist behind the back with the other hand while getting into Yoga Mudrasana.
- Inhale deeply in this position.
- While exhaling you must bend forward while keeping the spine straight while getting into The Psychic Union Pose.
- Bring the forehead to the floor or as close as possible while getting into Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- Relax the whole body in the final The Psychic Union Pose, breathing slowly and deeply.
- Be aware of the pressure of the heels on the abdomen while practicing Yoga Mudrasana.
- Stay in the final Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose for as long as is comfortable.
- Do not strain the back, ankles, knees or thighs by forcing the body into the posture while in the pose.
- Slowly return to the starting position.
- Repeat Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose with the legs crossed the other way around. You can practice 3 to 4 rounds of this pose.
Breathing Pattern to Be Followed While Practicing Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose
- Inhale deeply while separating the knees of both legs from each other while getting in Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- Exhale once you are in Padmasana or The Lotus Pose.
- Inhale deeply again while taking your arm behind your back to get into Yoga Mudrasana.
- Exhale deeply while bending forward while keeping the spine straight to get into The Psychic Union Pose.
- Maintain a constant breath while you are in Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose Keep inhaling and exhaling deeply while being in Yoga Mudrasana exhale deeply once or twice after releasing the pose.
Preparatory and Follow Up Poses to Be Practiced With Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose
Preparatory Poses: The various preparatory poses to be practiced before Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose are Dandasana or The Staff Pose, Padmasana or The Lotus Pose, Sukhasana or The Easy pose, Siddhasana or The Accomplished Pose, Matsyasana (with the legs stretched out) or The Fish Pose, Ushtrasana or The Camel pose and Bhujangasana or The Cobra Pose.
Follow Up Poses: The various follow up poses or Pranayamas to be practiced after Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose are Anulom Vilom or The Alternate Nostril Breathing, Kapalbhati Pranayama, Vajrasana or The Diamond pose, Uttanasana or The Standing Forward Bend Pose, Balasana or The Child Pose and Dhanurasana or The Bow Pose.
Awareness While Practicing Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose
Physical Awareness – The Physical Awareness while practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose should be on the back, abdomen or breathing process.
Spiritual Awareness – The Spiritual Awareness while practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose should be on Manipura chakra or The Solar Plexus Chakra which helps in distributing positive energy in the body. The primary energetic focus in Yoga Mudrasana is on Manipura chakra, or the Solar Plexus Chakra.
This is our personal power lies. It is also the place which helps us deal with various emotions and learn to stand up for ourselves without being overly sensitive or aggressive. By keeping a focus on the Manipura or The Solar Plexus Chakra, we can have a healthy life when this chakra is balanced.
As Manipura or The Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, the higher chakras are awakened and the energy that is released from the lower chakras eventually reaches the seventh chakra, which ultimately allows full enlightenment.
Benefits of Practicing Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose
- The Bandhas practiced during Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose massages the abdominal organs and stimulates the digestive system which in return improves digestion.
- The movement and lifting of the chest while practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose expand the intercostal area and allows for healthier breathing patterns which help in treating many diseases.
- It helps in stretching and opening of the shoulder and hip joints.
- It also makes the pelvic area stronger.
- Regular practice of Yoga Mudrasana is also very beneficial in increasing the concentration and sense of balance in the body.
- The Psychic Union Pose also stretch and strengthen the muscles of the legs
- With regular practice, Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose helps in alleviating back disorders like sciatica and rheumatism in the leg joints.
- It also strengthens the calf muscles.
- It helps in balancing the mind, increases the power of concentration, and induces physical and mental relaxation quickly. The thinking process becomes very clear and precise with regular practice of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- The Psychic Union Pose also helps in alleviating stress and curing mild depression.
- It is also very beneficial for children of growing as practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose helps in increasing the height.
- The bones of the vertebral column get developed and strengthened with regular practice of The Psychic Union Pose.
- Yoga Mudrasana also helps in improving the lung capacity when practiced with proper breathing techniques and helps in alleviating respiratory disorders like asthma etc.
- The Psychic Union Pose makes legs, knees, and ankles stronger with regular practice.
- It also helps in getting rid of urinary disorders.
- Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose stretches the spine, gently toning the spinal nerves which emerge from the spaces between the vertebrae, contributing to good general health.
- It is known to awaken the Manipura or The Solar plexus Chakra in the human body.
Precautions and Contraindications While Practicing Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose
- People suffering from any ankle injury should avoid practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- People with any shoulder injury should also avoid practicing the pose.
- People with low blood pressure should also not practice the pose.
- You should not practice Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose if you have had any recent injury in elbow or knee.
- Pregnant women should seek physician’s advice before practicing The Psychic Union Pose.
- Get out of the pose or release the pose if you feel a sudden sharp and shooting pain in your legs.
- If you have any doubts about your condition, consult a physician before practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose and always practice asana under the supervision of a trained yoga expert.
- Do not over exert yourself while practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose. Do not push yourself beyond the limits. Go only as far as your body allows.
- People with Chronic heart conditions should not practice Yoga Mudrasana.
- In addition to the above mentioned points, people suffering from Diabetes should also not get into Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- People who have any knee or hip injury or have had any recent hip or knee surgeries should also not get into The Psychic Union Pose.
- Women who have just give birth to child should also not practice Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- People with serious eye issues and disorders should also not practice the pose.
- Also, people with any severe back problems should also not get into Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
Tips While Practicing Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose
- Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose is a relaxing posture which may be practiced after extended periods of sitting in siddhasana or padmasana.
- Make sure that you hold the spine upright while practicing the pose.
- Concentrate on the eye center and try to equalize the weight on the right and left side of the body while practicing The Psychic Union Pose.
- While holding Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose, place the hands on the knees in Chin or Jnana mudra to derive maximum benefits from the asana.
- You can also sit with your back against a wall for the back support initially while practicing The Psychic Union Pose.
- You can also place a yoga block between the wall and your shoulder blades to support you back and to hold the pose in the right posture while practicing the pose.
- Whenever you feel tense and frustrated, just get into The Psychic Union Pose to find peace. Get on to the ground and sit quietly. As you slow and deepen your breath, you will feel the frustration leaving your body slowly.
- You can also keep a folded blanket under the buttocks. Whether a blanket is used or not, it is important that the buttocks rest firmly on the ground in order to stimulate muladhara chakra.
- It may be a little difficult for beginners, but when practiced can give great flexibility to the back and the hips.
- It should be done very carefully. Please do not strain the knees, hips, ankles or the back while performing this asana. Those suffering from severe hip and knee problems should avoid Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose Variations
Variation 1 For Beginners:
Follow the same initial steps as mentioned above.
- Then, bring the forehead to the floor or as close as possible while getting into Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- Relax the whole body in the final Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose, breathing slowly and deeply.
- Be aware of the pressure of the heels on the abdomen while practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- This variation follows the same method as the basic technique except that instead of remaining in the final position, the body is raised and lowered a number of times.
- So, keep lowering your body while keeping your spine erect on the ground several times as per your comfort.
- Make sure that you synchronize the movement with the breath.
Benefits of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose Variation 1
This variation of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose is particularly useful for those who are stiff and cannot touch the floor with their foreheads.
Variation 2 For Advanced Practitioners
- This variation of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose should only be practiced by those who can easily touch their foreheads to the floor.
- Practice Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose as described above using the basic technique.
- Keep the body still and inhale while taking your arms behind the body while getting into Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- While exhaling, try to touch the floor with the chin and push it away from the body while practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- This practice may be repeated 2 or 3 times, keeping the body still on inhalation and pushing the chin forward on exhalation while practicing Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- Do not strain. Relax the whole body and remain in the final position, breathing slowly and deeply.
- Return to the starting position while inhaling.
Benefits of Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose Variation 2
- Variation 2 of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose further stretches and elongates the spine.
- Variation 3 for Maximum Massage of the Abdomen
- Variation 3 of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose is the same as the basic technique except for the position of the hands as mentioned below:
- Make fists with the hands and place them in the lap on top of the upturned heels with the wrists facing upward while practicing Variation 3 of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- The fists should be held in contact with the soft part of the abdomen, just below the ribs while practicing Variation 2 of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
- Rest, you can continue as for the basic practice of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.
Benefits of Yoga Mudrasana or the Psychic Union Pose Variation 3
- As stated above, the Variation 3 of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose is very beneficial in massaging the abdomen and stimulating the digestive organs thus improving digestion.
- With regular practice, Variation 3 of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose helps in getting rid of Constipation.
- Acid Reflux is also treated with regular practice of Variation 3 of Yoga Mudrasana or The Psychic Union Pose.