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Is Celiac Disease A Serious Condition & Can It Be Reversed?

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder triggered by gluten, a protein found in the endosperm (a type of tissue produced in seeds that are ground to make flour) and in some grains. In celiac disease, wheat protein (gluten) present in the food substances causes considerable harm to the small intestine and stomach muscles ultimately leading to many side effects.

This includes fatigue, bloating, iron deficiency and a few others. The condition when left untreated results in serious disorders because celiac disease produces antibodies that cause continuous damage to the intestine leading to serious illnesses.

Is Celiac Disease A Serious Condition?

Is Celiac Disease A Serious Condition?

When patients who suffer from this syndrome have gluten, the consequence is an effect in their small intestine that can result in the above-mentioned symptoms.

In most instances, celiac disease is not deadly in the way we generally imagine the life-threatening conditions—it will not make progress whereas it eventually results in death. Nevertheless, when it comes to this auto-immune condition and mortality rates, the news update is a little mixed: Certain clinical trial shows that patients suffering from this condition have a potential risk of dying early. 2. 3.

Celiac Disease And Death Rates

Major research was conducted across different clinical organizations that include patients with celiac diseases having varied complications especially those who were diagnosed through endoscopy and shown positive celiac results. These patients were found to have higher mortality rates than patients diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Also, new research investigated the probability of enhanced death ratios due to continual villous atrophy in patients identified with and treated for celiac disease. However, several kinds of research were conducted to determine whether the condition can cause permanent damage, or does it provide a chance to heal. 4.

Is Gluten Ingestion Damage Reversible In Celiac Disease?

A phase 2 clinical trial was conducted at Northwestern University that used a new technology that had the potential to induce immune tolerance to the patients who were suffering from celiac disease. After successive treatments, these patients improved gluten tolerance and were able to eat gluten foods with reduced inflammation.

This technology used nanoparticle-containing gluten which triggered and convinced the immune system not to attack the small intestine. It was demonstrated by the Professor of microbiology and immunology at the European Gastroenterology Week conference in Barcelona, Spain. Since their theory was proved successful, it was used to treat a host of other diseases.

Another theoretical possibility called molecular mimicry sequenced the similarities between foreign and self-peptides which favorer and activation of autoreactive T or B cells. The theory suggests that autoimmunity turns on, there’s no stopping it.

New research tells that if you have the celiac syndrome, you are allergic to gluten. When you want to reverse your condition, remove 100% gluten from your diet. This ultimately stops the leaky guts and your autoimmune response shuts down eventually results in intestinal damage heals. 5. 6.

Atypical Signs And Symptoms Of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease can be challenging to make a diagnosis since it influences patients in a different way. There are in excess of 200 well-known celiac disease indicators that may ensue in the digestive system or other parts of the body. Several patients develop the celiac disease as a toddler, whereas certain patients as a grown-up. Clinical studies are yet to find the possible reason for this condition.

The finest recognized symptoms of celiac disease are intestinal in nature that typically involves chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, and unintended weight loss. However, the other symptoms include


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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 25, 2021

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