What is Duodenal Ulcer?
One of the types of the peptic ulcer is duodenal ulcer which is developed on the first part or the first layer of the small intestine that is called duodenum. The ulcer that develops on the uppermost portion of the small intestine and also on the inside lining of your stomach is known as the peptic ulcer.
The cause of the duodenal ulcer is due to the infection by a bacteria called the “Helicobacter (H.pylori)”. To help heal the duodenal ulcer an acidic suppressing medication is given for a course of four to eight weeks. Additionally, one week is needed of the two antibiotics and the acid-suppressing medicine in order to clear the helicobacter infection. In total within nine weeks, a patient with duodenal ulcer can be cured. The medication of the antibiotics and acid suppressing together prevents the duodenal ulcer from coming back again. The duodenal ulcer is also caused due to the medicines of the anti- inflammatory, it is a medicine to treat the condition of arthritis. If there is a need to continue the medicine of the anti-inflammatory then you must have to intake the acid-suppressing medication for a longer period.
The long-term use of the painkiller like the aspirin and others such as ibuprofen (Motivin, Advil) and the naprox sodium ( anaprox, aleve etc…) leads to duodenal ulcer. Many say that the spicy food and the stress are the cause of the duodenal ulcer but it is not true, they can worsen the symptoms but do not cause duodenal ulcer.
Risk Factors for Duodenal Ulcer
The risk factors that is known to increase the risk of rising the duodenal ulcer are:
- If you consume alcohol on regular basis.
- Any history of ulcer is a risk factor for duodenal ulcer.
- If you are a smoker.
- Constant stress.
- Being at the age of seventy or more.
One important point to be kept in mind is that the spicy food does not increase the risk for duodenal ulcer rather they can only irritate your stomach further. Other different medication that increases your risk for the duodenal ulcer is:
- Anticoagulants.
- Alendronate.
- Risedronate.
Complications in Duodenal Ulcer
The complications are rare but often observed in patient with prolonged history of symptomatic duodenal ulcer. The complication observed are bleeding and perforation of duodenum. The untreated mucosal ulcer grows in size and penetrates into deeper tissue. The penetration of ulcer may infiltrate into blood vessels and cause mild to severe bleeding. Severe bleeding can be life threatening if ignored because of profuse blood loss. In rare cases ulcer may penetrate through entire thickness of duodenum resulting in perforation. The content of duodenum spills into peritoneal cavity. The acidic content in peritoneal cavity causes peritonitis. Peritonitis is extremely painful condition. The case studies published has suggested duodenal ulcer was found in association with mucosal tumor. The correlation between duodenal ulcer and tumor was not established.
Prevention of Duodenal Ulcer
You can help yourself in preventing or lowering down the risk for duodenal ulcer. If you intake NSAIDs regularly then you must reduce the amount intake or you may also switch to some other medication. Other preventive measures for duodenal ulcer are:
- If you really need NSAIDs, then could simply take it with the meals to prevent duodenal ulcer.
- Try to limit the caffeinated drinks or the alcohol, as it may make the duodenal ulcer worse.
- Don’t try to become your own doctor and reduce the amount of medicine prescribed for the infection as it may bring the infection back.
- Try to refrain from smoking, as it can slow the healing process of duodenal ulcer.
Try to give away each and everything that leads to the increase in acid production, so that you can heal faster. The drinks, foods that trigger the infection related to the ulcer are, you must try to stay away from the fried and spicy food as the greasy and the acidic food may increase the level of the acid present in the stomach. Some drinks are also present that contributes to the higher acid level in the stomach like the caffeinated drink, alcohol these can make your condition worse.
Home Remedies for Duodenal Ulcer
Consumption of Bananas Can Be a Good Home Remedy for Duodenal Ulcer
For the home remedy of the duodenal ulcer, bananas which are ripe and unripe are very effective. It is due to the fact that the bananas have certain antibacterial compounds that slow down the growth of the duodenal ulcer causing H.pylori. It also protects the system of the stomach by simply wiping out the acidity of the gastric juices. It helps to reduce down the inflammation and also strengthen the stomach lining.
Cabbage is easily availed in the market and is very helpful for the duodenal ulcer and is an excellent home remedy. It is a lactic acid food as the cabbage helps to produce the amino acid that helps to stimulate the blood flow to the lining of the stomach. This in turn it not only helps to strengthen the stomach lining and heal the duodenal ulcer.
Surprisingly coconut is a very good home remedy for the people suffering from the duodenal ulcer due to its antibacterial qualities. It kills the bacteria that triggers the duodenal ulcer. Additionally, coconut water as well as the coconut milk both have the anti-ulcer properties. To get the positive result all you have to do is just simply drink few cups of coconut milk or some coconut water daily. Also, try to have some kernel of the coconut. Following these steps would surely result in healing the duodenal ulcer.
The raw honey has the effective healing properties and is a great home remedy for duodenal ulcer. An enzyme that is present in the honey called glucose, it oxidase in honey and produces hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide helps to kill the harmful bacteria that causes duodenal ulcer and it also reduces the stomach lining.
There are also many more home remedies to treat the ulcer, like the Cayenne pepper, licorice and also garlic. In garlic, the researchers have found that the garlic can keep the level of the Helicobacter bacteria in check that contributes to the expansion or the growth of duodenal ulcer.
Note: The most important steps in diagnosis of stomach ulcer is to consult a gastroenterologist. The clinical examination, interpretation of finding of examination and analysis of test results has to be evaluated by expert in the field of gastroenterology system. Our recommendation is, if you suffer with any of similar symptoms then, consult gastroenterologist as soon as possible.
- Mayo Clinic. (2021). Peptic Ulcer. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/peptic-ulcer/symptoms-causes/syc-20354223
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. (2020). Peptic Ulcers (Stomach Ulcers). https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/peptic-ulcers-stomach-ulcers
- WebMD. (2021). Peptic Ulcer Disease. https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/peptic-ulcer-overview
- American College of Gastroenterology. (2016). Guidelines for the Management of Helicobacter pylori Infection. https://journals.lww.com/ajg/Fulltext/2017/03000/ACG_Clinical_Guideline__Treatment_of_Helicobacter.16.aspx
- University of Michigan Health. (2021). Peptic Ulcer Disease. https://www.uofmhealth.org/conditions-treatments/digestive-and-liver-health/peptic-ulcer-disease
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