Liver Disorders Information Center

How Can I Prevent The Occurrence of Fatty Liver?

Food has a preponderant role in the treatment and prevention of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, being the current recommendations the decrease of the body...

Can You Prevent Forbes Disease?

Forbes disease is an inherited disorder due to the deficiency of amylo-1,6-glucosidase that results in the accumulation of abnormal glycogen (limit dextrin) in liver...

What Is The Outlook For Forbes Disease?

Forbes disease is a rare inherited disorder due to the deficiency of amylo-1, 6-glucosidase that results in the accumulation of abnormal glycogen (limit dextrin)...

What Is The Classification/Types of Forbes Disease?

Forbes disease is an inherited disorder due to the deficiency of amylo-1,6-glucosidase that results in the accumulation of abnormal glycogen (limit dextrin) in liver...

What Are The Symptoms of Forbes Disease?

Forbes disease is one of several glycogen storage diseases in which the energy stored in the form of glycogen cannot be converted to glucose...

What is The Main Cause of Forbes Disease?

Humans utilize energy from three main sources carbohydrates (glucose), fats and proteins. Carbohydrates are stored mainly in the liver and muscles in the form...

What is The Major Cause of Anderson’s Disease?

Anderson’s disease is also known as chylomicron retention disease which is a rare hereditary disease. It is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by low...

What are the Symptoms of Anderson’s Disease?

Anderson's disease or chylomicron retention disease is a very rare genetic lipid malabsorption condition. Lipid malabsorption refers to the plasma lipid (HDL, LDL, and...

Can Liver Failure Cause Mental Confusion?

The inability of the liver to perform its normal metabolic function is called as liver failure. It may be acute or chronic liver failure,...

Is Hepatic Encephalopathy Life Threatening?

Hepatic encephalopathy is a neuropsychiatric dysfunction an advanced form of the liver disease characterized by an altered level of consciousness which happens as a...
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