What Are The Signs That Your Liver Is Not Functioning Properly?

Liver is a major regenerative organ of our body, which is meant for food digestion and removal of harmful toxins and toxic wastes from the body. The liver participates in the metabolism and acts as a storehouse of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. If the liver is not functioning properly or affected by any illness, the toxic materials will accumulate in the body. The symptoms of liver affections are chronic fatigue, improper digestion, gastric complaints, skin changes; increased body weight etc. will appear due to impaired liver function.

What Are The Signs That Your Liver Is Not Functioning Properly?

The liver is the largest organ of your body. It is designed in such a manner that it performs the major function like digestion and absorption of food materials by secretion of enzymes, storage of glycogen, production some important proteins like heparin and break down and removal of toxins, poisons, and chemicals. The liver metabolizes medicines consumed for treatment of any disease. Basically, it filters and detoxifies the blood. It produces proteins that are relevant for blood coagulation and other functions.

If liver develops ailments like infections, cirrhosis, hepatitis, etc., the liver cannot function properly, it slows down. The liver swells up and required nutrients and protein cannot be produced and processed. The accumulation of toxins takes place in the liver tissues disturbing the immune system of the body. Thus, toxic environment builds up the body leading to the appearance of signs and symptoms in the body.

The signs that appear when the liver is not functioning properly are-

Affections of Skin- when the liver is affected by illness, the skin loses its texture and luster. Yellowish discoloration of the skin is the first sign to appear. With the progressive damage to the liver, skin manifests its affections through rashes, acne, itching and prominent blood vessels.

Affections of Eyes- when the liver is in bad condition, the eyes show yellowish discoloration. With the deterioration of the condition of the liver, eyes show bloodshot, redness, itching, and puffiness.

Obesity- weight gain is the greatest issue with the liver ailments. There can be many reasons for weight gain, but fat gain occurs mainly due to weak metabolism. If you are not able to lose weight, even if you are eating properly and doing exercise, this indicates that your liver is not working properly. Accumulation of toxins in the liver tissues affects blood sugar levels inducing the liver to store more fat in its tissues.

Discolored Stools– improper functioning of the liver leads to blockage of the bile in the biliary system. As the bile salts are not secreted in the liver, the stool turns pale or clay colored. This indicates the function of the liver is impaired.

Compromised Immune System- the toxins get collected in the body due to liver affections. The immune system gets weakened and your sensitivity to allergens and chemicals increases. This deteriorates your health more badly.

Pain and Swelling in the Abdomen- when the liver does not work properly, inflammation of liver occur as the workload on the liver increases. The swollen liver results in pain and swelling in the abdomen. If you feel constant pain in the abdomen, consult your physician.

The symptoms that are represented when the liver does not work properly-


The liver is the largest organ of the body that performs vital functions like digestion, secretion of digestive enzymes, and production of certain proteins for blood clotting and removal of harmful toxins from the body. Sedentary lifestyle, excessive consumption of alcohol, certain medicines like acetaminophen, prednisone, etc. long-term infections, and heart diseases may cause liver ailments.

Any ailment of the liver increases the load on the liver leading to signs and symptoms discussed above.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:May 18, 2018

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