What Not To Eat With Cirrhosis?

There are various types of diseases and disorders related to the human gastrointestinal tract, but hepatic diseases i.e. diseases related to the liver are of prime concern. Among different types of liver disorders, a single homology is their end stage i.e. hepatic failure. Whether it is hepatitis or carcinoma, bile stones or cirrhosis, every disease somehow impair the normal metabolism of the liver thus affecting the whole body especially, heart and the kidneys.

How Cirrhosis is Defined?

It is a medical condition which is classified histopathological and shows a variety of complications and clinical manifestations. It will not be a prediction to say that few of these complications can be fatal too, especially in terminal stages. It was quite relieving for patients when proved in numerous researches that liver cirrhosis can be reversed in almost all stages by removing the causative factors and promoting regeneration by supplementing metabolic processes of the gastrointestinal tract. It also includes change in eating habits and dietary supplementation of the patients.

Causes of Cirrhosis

  • Alcoholism
  • Viral hepatitis (Hep-B, Hep-C)
  • Autoimmune inflammation of liver
  • Primary biliary cirrhosis
  • Sclerosing cholangitis
  • Autoimmune cholangiopathy
  • Metabolic hepatic diseases (Inherited)
  • Cryptogenic cirrhosis
  • Cardiac cirrhosis

The cirrhosis of liver is considered one of the deadliest diseases worldwide. Since the alcohol consumption is increased to a great level it is not surprising to encounter cases of cirrhosis across the world. Peer pressure and lifestyle changes even contribute to the development of cirrhosis. Alcohol is considered most common cause of cirrhosis in western countries. No age group is spared. Initially the person presents with hepatic dysfunction and jaundice. With continuous consumption of alcohol or what is known as binge drinking person is bound to suffer from cirrhosis of liver. There are various stages through which a liver passes to attain the decompensate stage. The initial stage is development of nodules and in this stage there is a clear cut demarcation between heapatocytes. After this stage there is a state of fibrosis where there is distortion of heapatocytes.

Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis

The damage caused to cirrhotic liver is so drastic that it affects the ability to secrete and restore glycogen; it is a compound which can be reversibly converted into glucose by the means of enzymes. When this process declines, body starts disintegrating its own muscular tissue to release energy. This leads to muscle wasting, malnutrition as well as weakness.

What Not To Eat With Cirrhosis?

What Not To Eat With Cirrhosis?

Harmful food habits in cirrhotic liver disease:

Junk-foods: They contain high amount of artificial flavors, preservatives, empty calories and soda based drinks that contain high level of sugar which is harmful not only to cirrhotic patients but also to healthy individual.

Dietary Changes: In patients with hepatic encephalopathy, it is advised to increase the protein intake during the daytime or waking hours. A late evening snack which is rich in carbohydrate should be taken to support the liver during sleeping time.

High Sodium Intake (Table Salt): As it is known to all that taste buds become less and less sensitive as you increase the amount of salt in your diet. Since the packaged food products high content of salts and preservatives, they might be hazardous for the health of the patient. That is why it is recommended to reduce the amount of the salt to 5.2 approx per day or not more than 2.08 gm. per day.

Which Ingredients Should Be Included In The Diet Of A Patient With Liver Cirrhosis?

A patient with cirrhosis should try to eat light food or snacks on a regular interval of 3 hours. These snacks may include-

  • Cereals
  • Crackers
  • Fruits
  • Milky drinks
  • Teacakes
  • Toasts.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 9, 2018

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