6 Ways To Cure Constipation By Using Castor Oil

If you are not having more than three bowel movements in a period of seven consecutive days, then it is considered as constipation. Among wide range of options available that helps in treating constipation, treatment by castor oil secures a place in effective natural options. You should be having sound knowledge about advantages of castor oil for your hair and skin. Did it ever strike in your mind what are the potential and therapeutic uses of it? It’s no wonder if treatment of constipation is also included in the huge number of benefits of castor oil. Have a glance on the following information to find out how exactly castor oil helps in curing constipation and different types of methods for using it.

Role of Castor Oil to Cure Constipation

Infrequent bowel movements and a hard stool to pass is an explicit indication that you are suffering from constipation. This is the moment that castor oil’s role comes into picture. Beans, scientifically known as Ricinus Communis are great source of castor oil. The oil contains Ricinoleic Acid, which plays a significant role in stimulating evacuation of feces.

Remarkable benefits of castor oil on constipation were identified by several researchers in multiple studies. Considerable reduction in strain and feeling of perfect evacuation after a bowel movement was observed with the use of castor oil.

Factors That Make It Effective To Treat Constipation Using Castor Oil:

Binding of Ricinoleic acid to the receptors of intestinal wall muscles enables its contractions, which further helps in a very smooth stool pass out. It happens due to the laxative property of Ricinoleic Acid. This activity of Ricinoleic Acid softens your stools and thus helps in cleaning your intestines.

Castor oil reduces the strain that is often experienced because of constipation.

With no absorption of moisture from the intestinal walls, castor oil helps in lubricating your bowels.

Now you have the perfect reasons to try-out castor oil for curing constipation.

6 ways to Cure Constipation by using Castor Oil

6 ways to Cure Constipation by using Castor Oil

  1. Applying Castor Oil

    Amount of castor oil required: One tablespoon.

    Process of Applying: Rub the oil around your belly, mainly focusing around belly button.

    For better results this has to be repeated at least twice in a day.

    How Does this Work?

    Castor oil softens and breaks down the feces through the gut and the skin because of its laxative properties. In addition to this, muscle contractions are enhanced which leads to easy stool pass out.

  2. Orange Juice and Castor Oil

    Things Required:

    Castor oil: One tablespoon

    Orange juice: one cup

    Process of Applying:

    • Take castor oil and orange juice into one cup and stir to mix it well.
    • Drink the mixture before settling down of oil.
    • For better results, repeat this every day.

    How Does this Work?

    Orange juice contains high fiber, which helps in bulking up the stool and it is made easy to pass it out because of laxative properties of the castor oil, so it helps in getting relief from constipation.

  3. Lemon Juice and Castor Oil

    Things Required:

    Castor oil: One tablespoon

    Lemon juice: One cup

    Things to be done:

    • Take castor oil and lemon juice into one cup and stir it so it is mixed well.
    • Drink the mixture well before settling down of oil.
    • For better results repeat this every day.

    How Does This Work?

    The lubricating nature of water and lemon’s acidic nature eases your bowel movements.

  4. Mixture of Milk and Castor Oil:

    Things Required:

    Castor oil: One tablespoon

    Milk: One glass

    Things to be Done:

    • Take one teaspoon of castor oil and one glass of milk into a glass and mix it well.
    • Consume the mixture well before settling down of oil.
    • For better results repeat this every night.

    How Does This Works?

    Stimulating nature and relieving, soothing effect of castor oil and milk respectively, works one behind the other to relieve your constipation and symptoms of it.


    Milk contains lactose so if you are intolerant towards lactose and you are not willing to take milk because of this reason, don’t try this. You can try out any of the methods listed above for good results.

  5. Heating Pad and Castor Oil:

    Things required:

    Castor Oil : One table spoon

    Heating Pad

    Things to be Done:

    • Massage with castor oil on your stomach, mainly focusing on the area near belly button.
    • Keep heating pad on belly after massaging with oil.
    • Do this one time in a day regularly till you are relieved from constipation.

    How Does This Work?

    With the combination of castor oil and heating pad, circulation is promoted in the massaged area and digestion is enhanced in this way. This will lead to easy stool pass out, softening the fecal matter compaction.

  6. For Babies: Massage with Castor Oil

    Things required:

    Three to four drops of castor oil. (It should be 100% organic)

    Things Need to Be Done:

    • Warm the oil
    • Massage infant’s stomach using warmed castor oil with your palms in clockwise direction.
    • Take more castor oil and massage infant’s thighs and knees.
    • After massage, legs of your infant has to be pushed gently towards the abdomen.
    • Do this for ten to fifteen minutes.
    • Do this twice in a period of seven consecutive days for better results.

    How Does This Work?

    Usage of moderate amount of castor oil benefits in treating constipation. It is no wonder that just a mild massage using castor oil stimulates your baby’s bowel movements.


    Only pure castor oil should be used for infants. Be careful while using this so that the oil does not come in contact with lips, eyes and anal or genital areas of your child. These remedies will provide effective and quick relief from the problem of constipation. In case the listed methods do not work for you, take medical assistance immediately.

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Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:August 29, 2018

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