What is Grass Allergy: Symptoms, Treatments

What is Grass Allergy?

Allergies from grass usually occur due to the pollen present in them. The pollen leads to itching in the nose or eyes when the people who are allergic to them take a walk in the park or when they move around fresh-cut grass.

What is Grass Allergy?

Grass pollen spread when the wind blows. Common species of grass which can cause grass allergies are:

  • Annual blue and winter grass
  • Bahiagrass
  • Bermuda or couch grass
  • Canary grass
  • Cocksfoot or orchard grass
  • Kentucky blue or Junegrass
  • Timothy grass
  • Ryegrass
  • Johnson grass

There are weeds also known as asthma weeds (pellitory weed) which can cause allergies.

The chances of grass allergy are the most during the time the grass release pollens. But some grasses and weed flowers release pollens all round the year.

Symptoms of Grass Allergy

The symptoms of grass allergy develop fast or in a period of time after coming in contact with the allergen. The grass allergy symptoms include:

If there is difficulty in breathing a doctor should be consulted.

The diagnosis is based on the presentation of symptoms. The doctor might ask the patient to identify the triggers. It’s important to note what hits you to initiate the allergy. Keep a note of your symptoms.

There are few allergy skin tests that are prescribed to determine the existence of the allergies.

Treatment of Grass Allergies

Avoiding the allergen is the best way to treat the grass allergy. You can follow the below mentions steps to reduce the reaction to grass.

  • Reduce the Exposure: Avoid being around the grass if it irritates you. This can be done by avoiding moving around the grass. You can also wear protective clothing to shield your skin and eyes from grass. Avoid putting the laundry outside as pollen can stick to the clothes, towel, and sheets and lead to allergy.
  • Watch for the Pollen Count: The pollen count can be found online. If the grass pollen count is high, avoid the outside trips. If going out is important wear face mask for pollen. The masks can be brought from a local drug store or online.
  • Keep Clean: Once back from outside change clothes and take a shower to avoid the pollen from outside to get in the house. At the time of high pollen or when the grass is being mowed, keep the doors and the windows closed. This will help keep the pollen outside the house.
  • Use Medication: For mild grass allergies, an over-the-counter prescription can be taken to bring down the symptoms. If suffering from severe allergy attacks consult a doctor.

Most Common Prescriptions Given By The Doctor Are:

  • Nasal corticosteroids to reduce inflammation
  • Immunotherapy shots expose the patient to small doses of the allergen, which help stop the allergic reaction.
  • Prescription decongestants to unblock the nose. These can lead to other side effects such as tremors, sleeping problems, anxiety, and increased blood pressure.
  • Antihistamines help stop sneezing, itching and other symptoms.
  • Most of the symptoms of grass allergy can be easily managed by avoiding contact with the allergen. In case of severity of the symptoms seek immediate medical attention.
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:December 15, 2022

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