Joint pain is often referred to as arthralgia. A joint is a place where bones coordinate and move in sync with one another to perform various functions. Joint pain is a common problem generally associated with arthritis. However, joint pain can also be caused due to various other factors such as infections, injuries or other diseases. Foot, ankle, knee, hip, back, wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck, and jaw are the areas of the body that frequently get affected with joint stiffness and joint pain.
Joints are built up of cartilage, joint capsule and synovium. The ligaments are strong tissues which help stick the bones with each other. They work like an elastic band to keep the bones in their place during joint movement. They help in relaxing the muscles when the joint moves.
The cartilage works like a cushion for the bones in the joints of the body and helps the bones to glide easily while performing movements. The cartilage covering helps the joint to perform painlessly and smoothly.
A joint is surrounded by the capsule. The joint cavity consists of the synovial fluid, which is secreted by synovial membrane i.e. the border line of the joint cavity. The synovial fluid helps in nourishing cartilage and joint.
Joint pain is a condition, which is caused due to sprain, joint injuries and conditions such as tendonitis, osteoarthritis, bursitis and gout. Tendonitis usually occurs in shoulder, heel, elbow, and wrist. Joint pain is also common among old people, particularly who are suffering with obesity.
Avascular necrosis or osteonecrosis causing temporary or permanent loss of blood supply to the joints and bones may also be responsible for joint pain.
Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, lupus may also result in joint pain.
Most common symptoms of joint pain include mild or severe pain and stiffness in single or many joints. Joint pain caused by arthritis often is a result of joint inflammation.
The treatment of joint pain depends upon the reason and severity of the pain. There are some natural home remedies that help in treatment of joint pain. Given below are some of the natural remedies that not only help in relieving the symptoms, but also improve functioning of the affected joints.
Fomentations and Joint Pain:
One of the most commonly used home remedy for joint pains is hot and cold fomentations. Fomentations are nothing, but application of hot compresses alternating with cold compresses. Fomentations are helpful in relieving local pains, tooth aches, neuralgia and also getting rid of acute inflammations. Fomentations are soothing on the external tissue, especially the stiff joints, and also stimulate blood circulation. Decoctions and infusions are prepared using different parts of the plant and are used in fomentations.
Apple Cider Vinegar does help with Joint Pain:
Lack of minerals usually aggravates the joint pain. Adding necessary minerals to the diet helps in reducing joint pain. Apple cider vinegar is a very good supplement of minerals like calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Apple cider vinegar can also be consumed in the following ways.
- Adding one to three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in eight ounces of water and consuming it thrice a day. This can also be modified by adding little amount of honey to make it taste better.
- Take six cups of warm water and mix one cup of apple cider vinegar with it. Soaking affected areas in this preparation helps in relieving the joint pain.
- Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one tablespoon of olive or coconut oil. Massaging this preparation over the affected joints is also very helpful in relieving joint pain.
- Consuming preparation of one glass of water mixed with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey also helps in relieving joint pain. Honey has antibacterial and antioxidant qualities that not only help in the growth of new cell tissues, but also speed up the healing process.
Apple cider vinegar has acetic acid as the main ingredient hence it is highly acidic in nature. Therefore, it is advised to always dilute apple cider vinegar with juice or water before intake. Also long-term use of apple cider vinegar needs to be avoided, as it is reportedly found to reduce potassium levels in the body leading to hypokalemia though the reasons are unclear.
Garlic and Joint Pain:
Garlic is one more common spice that helps in treating joint pain. Garlic consists of anti-inflammatory qualities that help in relieving the symptoms of joint pain. Consuming garlic cloves fried in butter is also very helpful in treating joint pain.
Turmeric Helps Relieve Joint Pain:
Turmeric is a common spice which can easily be found in every house and is helpful in treating joint pain. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory properties. Put half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in some warm water and consume this preparation thrice in a day on a regular basis this not only helps in relieving joint pain, but also reduces the associated stiffness. Apart from this, regular consumption of a glass of milk with one teaspoon of turmeric powder added to it can aid a lot in relieving inflammation.
Papaya Seeds and Joint Pain:
Papaya seeds are also an effective, natural and useful way of treating joint pain. Papaya seeds consist of antibacterial properties. Consuming a cup of tea made from papaya seeds six to seven times in a day regularly for about two to three weeks helps in decreasing joint pain.
Olive Oil Massage Helps With Joint Pain:
Olive oil is a natural and effective way of treating joint pain. Gentle massage of olive oil on affected joints on a regular basis helps in relieving joint pain. Olive oil contains antioxidants and especially a compound known as oleocanthal, which blocks the production of inflammatory enzymes in the body due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Camphor Oil and Joint Pain:
Applying camphor oil mixed with sunflower oil on affected joints regularly also helps in reducing joint pain. Camphor oil has cooling and penetrating effects, which makes it a good anti-inflammatory and sedative agent. Camphor oil also has narcotic properties, which relaxes the brain and desensitizes the nerves. However, there is a possibility of developing addiction to camphor oil, hence one has to be careful with its proper use.
Other Therapies and Joint Pain:
Acupuncture, yoga, and similar alternative therapies also aids in reducing joint pain.