Scoliosis is a medical condition where there is a curvature in the spinal column of the body and the curve may either be towards the left or towards the right.1 Dextroscoliosis is the term used to describe the scoliosis of the spine with a spinal curvature to the right side of the body.2 There are various causes which may lead to Dextroscoliosis in a person. In this current article we will know about the causes, symptoms and specific exercises along with various treatments available for treating the condition of Dextroscoliosis.
Dextroscoliosis and its Various Forms:
As mentioned earlier that when the curvature of the spine is towards the right side of the body; the scoliosis is known as Dextroscoliosis. Unlike Levoscoliosis, Dextroscoliosis is less dangerous as the condition do not affect the heart. However, this medical condition in a person affects various internal organs like kidney, lungs etc which are affected because of the deformation of the ribcage towards the right side of the body.
Both, children as well as the adults can be affected by this condition of scoliosis where the spinal column is curved towards the right. There are various causes of Dextroscliosis, which we will study in the following paragraphs.
Now, coming to various forms of Dextroscoliosis; there are actually various terms used to describe the forms. Two of the most common form includes the Thoracic Dextroscoliosis and the Lumbar Dextroscoliosis. The former one is a condition of the Dextroscoliosis where the thoracic region of the spine is deformed or curved towards the right side of the body. In the latter case, the Lumbar region of the spine is deformed or curved towards the right side.
There is also one more form known as Mild Dextroscoliosis which explains about a condition in Dextroscoliosis where there is only a slight curvature of the spine (i.e. about 10 degree) towards the right. Though it may be mild; one must be very much aware that all the large or severe curvatures of the spine begin from the mild curves. So, there must be a proper diagnosis and treatment even in the Mild dextroscoliosis so as to prevent it from growing severe. We will know about some of the effective treatments and exercises for reducing or controlling Dextroscoliosis in the following array of our article.
Symptoms of Dextroscoliosis:
Though most patients who are born with Dextroscoliosis usually do not show any symptoms easily; however when examined they show clear abnormalities because of the medical condition. Here below are some of the most important symptoms of Dextroscoliosis.
- The spine has a curvature towards the right side of the body and the corresponding scapula is very much prominent.
- One more symptom of Dextroscoliosis would be that one side of the hip is elevated above the other.
- Certain day-to-day activities like bending down or twisting around would be difficult for the patients with this kind of abnormality in their spine.
Causes for Dextroscoliosis:
There are some noted causes for Dextroscoliosis which are listed below.
- Some patients may have the condition because of some idiopathic scoliosis
- Trauma to the spinal column may also cause Dextroscoliosis
- Degenerative spinal diseases also lead to the condition where the spine can have a curvature towards the right side of the body
- Some Neuromuscular diseases can also be a cause for Dextroscoliosis.
Diagnosis for Dextroscoliosis:
A clinical diagnosis is made easily by physically examining the patient. However in order to ascertain the degree of curvature of the spine towards right or the level of Dextroscoliosis, it requires the patient to undergo further tests like X-rays, CT Scan and MRI scan etc.
Treatments for Dextroscoliosis:
The treatments for Dextroscoliosis are usually required in severe cases, where there is a high degree of curvature of the spine towards the right side or where there are chance of progression. Usually the mild cases of Dextroscoliosis do not require any specific treatment. Exercises for Dextroscoliosis can help to a fine extent in keeping the spinal column mobile in many patients and allowing them to lead a normal life. Bracing can help in some cases where the patients require using a spinal brace for correcting the position of the spine.
Surgical treatments are mandatory in severe cases of Dextroscoliosis. Spinal fusion is the most common surgical treatments for scoliosis. In such treatments, usually the deformed parts of the vertebral column are removed in a surgical procedure and then fused together for realigning the spine in an appropriate way.
We will know about the specific exercises for Dextroscoliosis in the following section of our article.
Exercises for Dextroscoliosis:
Now, coming down to some of the most specific exercises for Dextroscoliosis; here we come up with the following list.
Dextroscoliosis Exercise #1: Stretching the Arm Up and Down for Correcting the Spinal Alignment in Dextroscoliois: This is a wonderful exercise, especially designed for thoracic dextroscoliosis. This can be done either in a sitting or in a standing position. However, it must be noted that the shoulders remain positioned directly over the hips while performing the exercise.
Below are the steps for doing the exercise.
- Reach up with your right hand stretched as high as possible by you. Make sure you are reaching down with your left hand’s arm at the same time.
- Hold this position for at least 5 seconds.
- Repeat the step for about 10 times.
Dextroscoliosis Exercise #2: Cat Stretch for Correcting Dextroscoliosis: Cat stretch exercise also known as Marjariasana can be done by the patients of Dextroscoliosis.
How to do Cat Stretch Exercise for Dextroscoliosis?
- The exercise must begin from a kneeling position on your hands and knees. Make sure that your knees are directly positioned under your hips and your hands are positioned directly under your shoulders.
- Now, lower your head down towards the ground and simultaneously lift your back as high as you can.
- Hold this position for 2-3 seconds
- Then lower your chest towards the ground as low as it goes while lifting the head up towards the ceiling.
- Hold this position for 2-3 seconds
- Repeat the exercise similarly.
Dextroscoliosis Exercise #3: Side Stretch for Dextroscoliosis: Side stretch is one more exercise recommended for Dextroscoliosis.
How to do Side Stretch for Dextroscoliosis?
- Begin the exercise by standing on your feet about shoulder- width apart and keeping your left hand on your hip.
- Now, reach up with your right hand as much as possible and bend over towards the left side while keeping the shoulders in line with the hips.
- Make sure you are not bending forward or backward while performing the exercise.
- Hold this position for about 10 seconds
- Repeat the exercise 10 times.
Dextroscoliosis Exercise #4: Pelvic Tilt for Correcting the Alignment of the Spine: You can go for the Pelvic tilt exercise for correcting the deformation in Dextroscoliosis, especially the Thoracic dextroscoliosis. A mild stretch on the spinal cord in this exercise helps in straightening the spinal column.
How to do Pelvic Tilt Stretches for Dextroscoliosis?
Pelvic tilt stretches the lower back muscles. To do pelvic tilt stretch, be in a supine position, lie on the back with knees bent and feet on floor as shown in the image below. To start with, one needs to make sure that just the hand comes in between the floor and the back. Now, tilt the pelvis towards the torso so as to flatten the lumbar spine against the floor and at the same time keeping the gluteal muscles in a relaxed position. Hold this position for about half a minute.
Dextroscoliosis Exercise #5: Bending the Spine to Left
- Sit on the floor or on a chair. Raise both your hand up and interlock the fingers above the head.
- Exhale and bend to left side slightly. Hold this position and continue breathing.
- Inhale and return to original position.
- When doing this, one should make sure not to bend in front or back. Also, one hand should not be stretched more than the other.
- Inhale and come to starting position.
Alternative Treatment for Dextroscoliosis Using Yoga, Massage Acupressure and Acupuncture: It is known that apart from the exercises, various other alternative treatments are beneficial in reducing the pain associated with the condition of Dextroscoliosis. Yoga is one of the most known alternative treatments for scoliosis. Yoga combined with an effective and appropriate massage helps in reducing the pain symptoms in Dextroscoliosis. Moreover, Acupressure and Acupuncture are also known to have positive results in reducing the condition of Dextroscoliosis.
So here in this article we mentioned about some of the ways you can reduce the condition or treat the medical condition of Dextroscoliosis. Though there are evidences that exercises, yoga and various other alternative forms of treatments are effective enough in reducing the pain in this medical condition; it is always essential to take the appropriate medical treatment under a specialized doctor for the best possible healing from the condition of Dextroscoliosis.
Kindly make a thorough note to reach an expert medical professional in case of any visible or noted symptoms and get properly diagnosed to follow up with the essential treatments in Dextroscoliosis. Even the mild cases of scoliosis require a proper examination and expert medical advice for keeping away from any future danger.
Also Read:
- Massage Therapy for Scoliosis: Techniques, Symptoms, Signs, Prevention
- Yoga for Scoliosis: 10 Yoga Poses To Correct Spinal Curvature
- Scoliosis: Classification, Types, Causes, Symptoms, Signs, Treatment, Brace, Surgery, Prognosis
- Can Leg Length Discrepancy Cause Scoliosis?
- What is the Success Rate for Scoliosis Surgery?
- Can You Play Sports If You Have Scoliosis?