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What Is The Most Common Type Of Pediatric Brain Tumors & Coping Methods For Pediatric Brain Tumors?

Meningioma is the most common brain tumor accounting apparently for 30% of cancers. Most cases of this type are benign.1,2

Caregivers identified several adaptive coping strategies to help cope with the stress who has recently undergone surgical treatment.3

Assessment of coping skills and education about coping improve overall care delivery to these families.4

What Is The Most Common Type Of Pediatric Brain Tumors?

Brain tumors are an abnormal mass of tissues wherein the cells grow and multiply uncontrollably. Studies show that there are more than 150 different types of brain tumor however only two main types have been documented namely primary and metastatic.

Primary tumors are composed of glial or non-glial cells and originate from the tissues of the brain. However metastatic tumors arise anywhere in the body such as the breast or lungs and gradually migrate to the brain typically through the bloodstream. Metastatic tumors are usually malignant affecting one in four patients with cancer.

Astrocytomas are the most common type of pediatric brain tumor generally noticed in children ages 5 – 8. They are non-cancerous and slow-growing tumors, also called low-grade tumors.

Ependymomas are cancerous tumors that grow in your brain however they are different because they do not spread to other parts of the body. The statistics on the survival rates for children with ependymoma is almost 80%. They are genetic diseases with nearly 200 new cases of ependymoma are found in children and adults each year.

Although glioblastoma is the third common type of tumor in children occurring in the brain and spinal cord, yet the growth occurs with increased frequency in children with certain genetic syndromes. The average survival period with glioblastoma is 15 to 16 months despite getting surgery.1,2

Coping Methods For Pediatric Brain Tumors

When your child is diagnosed with a brain tumor, it can be an overwhelming situation for both your child as well as your family to make it through the ups-and-downs of diagnosis and treatment. Every therapy for brain cancer can trigger side effects or transformations to your body. However, due to several reasons, not all the patients experience the same side effects for the same treatment.3

Some of the advice you need to consider most when you are experiencing the condition are:

Get The Right Facts- When your child is diagnosed with cancer, try to gather as much as information using the best websites, articles, and books. The Children’s Brain Tumor Foundation, Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, and A Kids’ Brain Tumor Cure Foundation are recommended sites to start with.

Keep The Communication Line Open- The patient and their family have emotional and social effects after a brain tumor diagnosis. The stress, anxiety, and anger level often become difficult to manage so doctors recommend sharing their feelings with the counselor, or member of the clergy.

Coping With Cost- When you want to learn about treatment options, the patient’s family will be concerned about medication prices, health insurance expenses, limited access to medical care, and unplanned expenses related to their care. However, they are encouraged to talk about financial concerns with a member of their health care team4.

The pediatric tumor is intimidating for a family, and childhood brain tumors can present a challenging set of therapeutic, cognitive, and physical challenges.

Cancer patients may experience a series of symptoms and side-effects before and after surgery because of the powerful medication and therapy they are undergoing.


  1. Subramanian, Surabhi. “Childhood Brain Tumors.” StatPearls [Internet]., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 10 Aug. 2020, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK535415/
  2. “Brain Tumors. Types of Benign Brain Tumors” AANSwww.aans.org/en/Patients/Neurosurgical-Conditions-and-Treatments/Brain-Tumors
  3. Cutillo, Alexandra, et al. “Coping Strategies Used by Caregivers of Children with Newly Diagnosed Brain Tumors.” Journal of Neurosurgery. Pediatrics, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 12 Oct. 2018, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6944290/
  4. Cutillo, Alexandra, et al. “Coping Strategies Used by Caregivers of Children with Newly Diagnosed Brain Tumors.” Pediatrics, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, 12 Oct. 2018, thejns.org/pediatrics/view/journals/j-neurosurg-pediatr/23/1/article-p30.xml
Team PainAssist
Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:March 26, 2021

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