Myxofibrosarcoma (MFS) is one type of soft tissue sarcoma (STS). It has both a fibroblastic and myxoid origin and therefore, sometimes classified as a myxoid variant type of the malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Myxofibrosarcoma is a slow-growing but an aggressive tumor and it occurs most commonly in the limbs and in the trunk. It is seen commonly in elderly people between the ages of 50-70 years, even though it is a rare tumor it is the commonest soft tissue sarcoma (STS) in the elderly population.(1)
The only cure for Myxofibrosarcoma is surgical removal of the tumor with all cancer cells with additional radiotherapy and chemotherapy if needed. It is sometimes difficult to remove the whole tumor plus surrounding 1-2 cm of normal tissue because cancer might be near a vital organ, tissue or blood vessel. In these cases, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy is given after the surgery to remove the cancer cells completely. Myxofibrosarcoma does not cure or go away on its own and there aren’t any natural remedies or other treatment modalities that can cure cancer. The only definite treatment modality is surgical removal of the tumor. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are given before surgery (neoadjuvant therapy) and can shrink the tumor which makes it is easy for the surgeon to remove the tumor completely.
Alternative Treatments For Myxofibrosarcoma
Usually, the only symptoms of Myxofibrosarcoma are a lump and sometimes pain in the area of the lump. If cancer spreads to distant sites such as the lungs, shortness of breath, chest pain, hemoptysis, and recurrent chest infections can be present but these occur in a very advanced cancer stage. If the lymph nodes are involved which is quite less compared to other cancers, then lymph node swelling, sometimes pain can be present in the affected lymph nodes. Natural remedies or other alternative treatments cannot cure the disease because without the removal of the primary tumor Myxofibrosarcoma cannot be cured or at least brought in to a remission stage.(3)
Myxofibrosarcoma is highly aggressive tumors and most patients are in an advanced stage when they are diagnosed with Myxofibrosarcoma. There have been several experimental studies and clinical trials ongoing with immunotherapy drugs to see if those drugs are effective against soft tissue sarcomas. These drugs can also be effective against Myxofibrosarcoma too. Checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive T cell therapy is the main approach in immunotherapy. Checkpoint inhibitors block some specific proteins which are found on the surface of the immune T cells. This allows the immune system to attack the cancer cells and destroy them. In adoptive T cell therapy, patients own T cells are removed from the body and these T cells are changed so that these changed T cells recognize specific molecules found only in cancer cells, thereby, the cancer cells are destroyed without any harm to the normal cells. Both checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive T cell therapy have promising results but these are still at the level of clinical trials. Some of the checkpoint inhibitors that show good results are ipilimumab, nivolumab, and pembrolizumab and these drugs are been used for the treatment of other cancers. Immunotherapy can also help remove all cancer cells along with surgical resection.(2)
Myxofibrosarcoma is an aggressive tumor and most patients are at an advanced stage at the diagnosis of Myxofibrosarcoma. The only cure for Myxofibrosarcoma is surgical removal of the tumor with all cancer cells with additional radiotherapy and chemotherapy if needed. There aren’t any natural remedies or other alternative treatment that can cure cancer except surgical resection. Immunotherapy has been found to be effective against Myxofibrosarcoma, the immunotherapy drugs are still under clinical trials but most drugs have some promising results. Like radiotherapy and chemotherapy, immunotherapy can also help the removal of residual cancer cells after surgical resection.
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