Like in other cancers, foods also play a major role in the management of myxofibrosarcoma and treatment side effects. Healthy food habits and incorporation of some foods in the diet reduces the risk of cancer in patients having increased risk. Apart from reducing the risk of cancer, the food also helps in killing the cancerous cells and also protecting and regenerating the new cells. Further, food also boosts the immune system, which increases the capacity of the body to fight against abnormal cells.
What To Eat When You Have Myxofibrosarcoma?
Myxofibrosarcoma is a type of soft tissue cancer. Apart from the treatment, such as surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, nutrition also plays an important role in the management of the disease. The food taken during myxofibrosarcoma performs three important functions. First, they help the body to bear the side effects of various treatments for cancer. Second, they kill the malignant cells through a different mechanism of actions. Third, they increase the efficacy of the immune system so that the immune system, more effectively identify and destroy the cancerous cells. Following are some of the foods that help in managing cancer:
Tomatoes. Tomatoes are important for fighting against cancer. They contain powerful antioxidant lycopene which helps in protecting the cells against damage1. It also kills the cells with abnormal growth thereby prove to be effective in myxofibrosarcoma.
Cruciferous Vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage are one of the powerful foods that manage cancer. These foods contain a variety of chemicals that has the potential to fight against cancer cells. The chemical ingredients available in these vegetables are crambene glucosinolates and indole-3-carbinol1. These foods also contain sulforaphane that reduces the risk of cancer by destroying the carcinogens.
Flaxseed. Flaxseed performs a variety of functions to help manage cancer. It contains lignans that helps the body to remove carcinogens1. Further, omega-3-fatty acid present in the flaxseed improves the immune system and reduces the inflammation in the body.
Tea. Catechins, an antioxidant found in tea helps in cancer1. It reduces the growth of malignant cells and helps in reducing the size of the tumor.
Garlic. Cancer develops through a series of process. Allyl sulfide present in the garlic interferes with these process1. This helps in the reduction of the growth of cancerous cells.
Spinach. Spinach contains the antioxidant lutein2. It helps in preventing the damage to normal cells.
Carrots. Beta-carotene is present in carrots2. This is a powerful antioxidant and plays a significant role during cancer treatment.
Protein. Due to myxofibrosarcoma as well as its treatment, the patient experience severe fatigue. To manage the fatigue and rapid growth of healthy cells, protein is required. Thus, protein-rich foods should be incorporated into the diet of the patient. Foods rich in protein include eggs, beans, and dairy foods3.
What To Avoid When You Have Myxofibrosarcoma?
Various foods should be avoided during and after the sarcoma. These foods increase the risk of cancer and its recurrence. Myxofibrosarcoma, if recurred, shows an aggressive progression. Thus, these foods should be avoided by the patient:
Highly Processed Food. Highly processed food should be avoided in sarcoma4.
Red Meat. Sarcoma patients and survivors should not incorporate red meat into their diet4.
Artificial Sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, are known to increase the risk of cancer5. It should be avoided by cancer survivors.
Excessive Intake Of Certain Ingredients. Excessive intake of salt, sugar and oily foods may have a negative impact on the cancer patients6.
Avoid Preserved Foods. The patient of cancer should avoid the preserved food6. These foods include pickles and jams. These foods contain nitrates that are harmful.
There are foods that improve the health of patients with myxofibrosarcoma and some foods impact negatively on such patients. Foods rich in antioxidants are the main ingredient of a cancer diet as these have the potential to kill cancer cells. Foods that should be avoided are processed food, artificial sweeteners, and preserved foods.