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Can Myocarditis Be Caused By Stress?

Myocarditis is an inflammatory condition of the heart muscle that influences the pumping action of the heart. It affects the contracting and relaxing action of the muscular layer of the heart. It hampers the supply of blood to the heart and different parts of the body. It is caused by infections by the virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and autoimmune diseases. Its symptoms include shortness of breath, fatigue, fever, pain in the chest, and many more. It is diagnosed by blood tests, chest x-rays, ECG, echocardiogram, and myocardial biopsy. If it is not treated correctly, it may cause heart failure and death.

Can Myocarditis Be Caused By Stress?

Can Myocarditis Be Caused By Stress?

The exact cause of heart disease is not clear. Its known cause is infection by bacteria, virus, parasites or fungus and by autoimmunity. The immune system tries to combat the infection that may lead to inflammatory changes in the muscles of the heart.

The symptoms of myocarditis do not appear at the beginning of the disease and often are not noticeable. It can appear at any age. The symptoms of myocarditis are quite similar to Flu. Its symptoms include fatigue, fever, shortness of breath, muscular pain, joint pain, swelling in the lower limbs and chest pain. In many cases, it goes on its own without treatment or any serious complications. In some cases, it may cause severe damage to the heart resulting in heart failure and sudden death. In 9% of cases where the death occurred due to heart failure is linked with myocarditis. It is often triggered by stress which the affected patient is unable to cope up. (2)

Stress happens in our lives to motivate or alert our mind in order to gain success. Stress leads to the release of adrenaline from the adrenal gland that triggers flight and fright response to react to the stressful situation. Stress in the appropriate amount does not render harmful effects on the health of an individual. If it remains constant, chronic and uncontrollable, then it influences the digestive system, immune system, reproductive system, and cardiovascular system. Then, one’s aging process is accelerated and his mood appetite and sleep is disrupted. It results in various other health problems related to minds such as anxiety, and depression.

Stress does not directly cause myocarditis but may increase the risk factors of this disease. The exact phenomenon by which it has bad effects on the health of the heart is not known. It is assumed that stress weakens one’s immune system that attracts infections induced by bacteria, virus and other microbes. Stress increases the risk factors of myocarditis such as-

  • Stress weakens the immune system.
  • It triggers this disease once again in those who have its history in the past.
  • It may induce one’s urging to take certain drugs such as cocaine to excuse stress that may trigger this disease.

There is no way to prevent myocarditis. If stress is managed properly, then risk factors that can induce endocarditis can be reduced efficiently. According to many studies, a second heart attack may happen if stress is not managed. With the management of stress, the immune system again becomes strong. (1)

Myocarditis is an inflammatory disease of the heart muscles. It affects the ability of the heart to pump out blood to the rest of the body. The people who develop myocarditis are usually healthy without symptoms. They do not notice the disease and get recover by them. It does not cause immediate life-threatening events but it may cause serious consequences in certain cases.


Myocarditis causes inflammatory changes in the muscles of the heart. It is caused by infections in the body lead by virus, bacteria, parasite and other microbes. It may be triggered by autoimmune reactions in the body. Stress does not cause myocarditis but it can increase the risk factors of this disease.


  1. https://www.healthclop.com/can-stress-cause-myocarditis/
  2. https://www.healthline.com/health/heart-disease/myocarditis#complications

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Team PainAssist
Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer
Last Modified On:June 3, 2019

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