Have you ever wondered if the wheezing or shortness of breath will end or will you ever grow out of asthma?
Sometimes, children’s asthma-like symptoms may disappear over time. In this case, what they have might not even be asthma. In fact, it can be a temporary condition that does not turn into asthma, say experts. The wheezing that a child may have might be treated and considered as asthma, but the symptoms usually disappear when children turn 5 or 6.
Most children with shortness of breath and wheezing symptoms are considered to be suffering from asthma. However, for most children, these symptoms fade away around adolescence.
Experts are also unclear about why this happen. Also, the triggers that may have caused flares in the past cease to do so. However, the child still has asthma.
This break in symptoms tends to be a common occurrence among boys, children who are not sensitive to furry animals, and those with less severe asthma.
Can You Grow out of Asthma or How Do You Know When Asthma Symptoms Fade?
If a child does not exhibit asthma symptoms for a prolonged period of time, it is known as asthma in remission or the child or the patient has grown out of asthma.
A child is nearing asthma remission if he or she:
- Does not exhibit symptoms like wheezing, cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath
- Is active without having to depend on medicines and flares
- Has a common cold viruses and allergy that does not trigger a flare or requires medicine
- Requires less rescue medication for when symptoms tend to act up.
However, it should be noted that asthma symptoms can return. Sometimes, they make a comeback during adulthood. The symptoms can be triggered by something totally different than before. In most kids, the symptoms decline during adolescence. However, they might re-appear when a person enters his or her 30s or 40s, studies suggest.
Why do Some Children Grow out of Asthma or Why Does Asthma Symptoms Fade Away in Some Children?
Have you ever wondered why asthma symptoms fade away in time for some children. Here are some theories that throw light on the matter:
- When a child gets bigger, the airway in the lungs also expands. The expansion of the airways may go unnoticed.
- Children who tend to wheeze when down with a cold or other respiratory problems may also improve as time progresses
- Children sensitive to allergens at a young age may not improve as time progresses, some studies suggest.
- Children suffering from eczema, a skin disorder that comes with a itchy rash, or have a family history of asthma are more or less likely to develop asthma symptoms.
- If the asthma is severe past the age of five, it is likely that the symptoms will continue, with allergies or not.
Why Boys Grow Out of Asthma Symptoms More Than Girls?
While recent studies suggest that boys are more likely to grow out of asthma than girls, experts are of the opinion that there is not enough research to make decisive conclusions about gender as well as the progression of asthma.
Some experts are of the opinion that more girls develop asthma after puberty, while asthma is more common in boys before puberty.
There are some experts who also believe that it is not the case that boys outgrow girl, it’s just that more girls have asthma.
Some studies also suggest that hormonal differences may be a factor for the higher prevalence of asthma in women.
How Can One Ascertain Asthma in Children?
One can start by visiting the doctor. Once you fix an appointment, the doctor will do a thorough check on the medical history of a child, including symptoms like shortness of breath and coughing, among others. This may be followed by a physical exam. A doctor may also conduct a pulmonary function test with spirometry.
This will provide information regarding lung function as well as the seriousness of asthma. A doctor might even suggest a chest X-ray to ensure he or she gets a visual understanding of the lungs. This could be followed by allergy testing to determine if allergies have a role to play in the symptoms. The doctor may also suggest a host of other tests to investigate the other causes and symptoms.
Some children may not have asthma but could be wheezing due to a viral infection. However, it is also important to get the child tested to get the green signal. It is also important to take precaution.
Can Children in Asthma Remission Suffer from Respiratory Problems Later in Life?
A child suffering from asthma could be more susceptible to breathing problems when down with a cold as compared to adults. Therefore, experts believe that patients should understand what uncontrolled asthma is. This will ensure that they get the right treatment later on in life. Living a life of ignorance will not help the cause. Being aware of uncontrolled asthma will help patients counter in.
Can the Course of Asthma be Altered in Children?
Experts are of the opinion that intervention may not always help change the course of asthma. However, the medicines that can alter asthma symptoms have become safe to take. These medicines are effective in neutralizing symptoms indefinitely in people who have come under the attack of asthma. If asthma is not controlled, a person can expect to make multiple emergency room visits, children may be forced to be absent from school, and may also miss out on a host of opportunities in life.
The primary aim of asthma treatment is to contain the disease, thereby allowing a child to enjoy life without having to worry about what tomorrow may hold. Treatment may also go a long way in preventing the natural history of asthma. Therefore, parents should focus on getting the right diagnosis and treatment for their children.
How Can Asthma be Controlled?
It is unfortunate that the natural course of asthma cannot be altered. However, we can do our best to bring it under control. Containing the triggers that can cause an asthma attack is important.
Some of the common triggers are:
- Pollen
- Dust mites
- Tobacco smoke
- Pollution
- Temperature fluctuations
- Allergies.
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