Well, the simplest answer to that question would be to stop smoking. However, life is not simple, and the easiest solutions aren’t always possible. It may also be that it’s not you who’s smoking. In such a case, your possibilities are limited, but you still can protect those you care about the most.
Most of us are aware that smoking poses a health threat not only to active smokers. Once inhaled and exhaled by a smoker, secondhand smoke still contains thousands of toxic chemicals. In fact, passive smokers (those who inhale secondhand smoke) are 20%-30% more likely to develop lung cancer or heart disease than those with much less nicotine contact. It can be even more harmful to children, leading to various respiratory illnesses (e.g., bronchitis, asthma), throat problems, and ear infections.
The good news is that you have some power over how much secondhand smoke affects your non-smoking friends and family members. Below, we discuss the most important precautions you can take to protect the people around you.
If You’re a Smoker…
As a smoker, you’re obviously aware of the health risks you’re taking. While you may not be able to quit, you can make your smoking as “safe” as possible for those around you. Here are some ways to achieve it:
- Switch to vaping. While e-cigarettes aren’t entirely harmless, they aren’t as dangerous as traditional cigarettes. Also, it’s one of the best and most popular methods for those who want to give up nicotine but can’t quit cold turkey. You can easily find a reliable vape mods buying guide that will help you make a suitable choice, and soon, it might even be possible to have an e-cigarette prescribed by a doctor in England.
- Don’t smoke indoors. If you live with your family or other non-smokers, the best way to reduce their exposure to secondhand smoke is to smoke outside only. This way, you won’t have to worry about ventilation as well as the smell lingering on carpeting and clothes.
- If you need to smoke indoors, open the window. It can reduce how much smoke from your cigarettes gets into the air, and thus it decreases the amount of nicotine and toxins that reach other people around you. This doesn’t eliminate the risk, but it’s better than nothing. However, bear in mind that even the best ventilation system won’t remove secondhand smoke entirely.
- Invest in an air purifier. Secondhand smoke is filled with thousands of toxic chemicals, including benzene, ammonia, and formaldehyde. While you can’t get rid of all of them, a good air purifier will significantly reduce their concentrations in the air. It will also improve the overall quality of air, ridding it of pollutants or allergens.
- Never smoke around children. Not only is it more dangerous to the health of minors than adults, but studies have shown that children who are exposed early to smoking are more likely to become smokers themselves.
- Never smoke around pets. If you have a beloved dog, or you regularly visit your mother-in-law and her cat, you may want to restrain yourself from smoking in their company as well. Secondhand smoke may endanger any dog, cat, or even pet bird, increasing their chances of developing allergies, eye infections, or various respiratory problems, including lung cancer.
- Improve your home’s overall ventilation. If your home is poorly ventilated, nicotine and toxins from secondhand smoke will stay in the air for longer. Not to mention other pollutants, allergens, or mould spores.
- Clean regularly. Secondhand smoke sticks to clothing, furniture, carpets, rugs, drapes, or the inside of your car. As such, people around you can still be exposed to harmful chemicals whenever they touch something you’ve smoked around – it’s called thirdhand smoke.
- Don’t smoke in your car if you often ride with other people. Again, thirdhand smoking is a real threat. It’s an especially important rule if you drive a family car.
- Often wash your clothes, jackets, and other belongings. For the same reason you need to clean your house and car as frequently as possible, you shouldn’t wear the same clothes, even jackets, for a few days in a row if you smoke on a daily basis.
- Schedule regular check-ups for yourself and your family. Regular medical screening can detect problems early and allow you to deal with them effectively. It may also help you keep track of whether or not you’re doing enough to protect your loved ones. Additionally, you can talk to your GP to check if there’s available support for those trying to quit.
If You’re Not a Smoker…
If you’re not a smoker, but your family members or friends are, here are some tips that can help you protect the people you love:
- Ask your guests not to smoke indoors. It is your home, so you have the right to ask people not to smoke in it. Try to be polite but firm if someone you know is a smoker and they insist on smoking inside. Now you know everything about secondhand and thirdhand smoking, so you won’t run out of arguments.
- Educate your children. Tell them about the harmful effects of smoking and make sure they understand that even exposure to secondhand smoke can be dangerous. Teach them to avoid smokers and, if possible, leave places where others are smoking.
- Encourage others to quit smoking. Whether they are your friends, relatives, or coworkers, doing so will be beneficial to you and them. Support them through their journey to recovery and suggest professional help if needed.
- Look for a smoke-free daycare centre or school for your children. You can talk to the school officials or teachers to enforce the relevant policies. All events that allow children’s presence should be entirely tobacco-free.
- Avoid places with possible heavy smoking. These may include pubs, bars, nightclubs, and any other places where the environment is generally smoky. It doesn’t help that much even if there’s a separate smoking area.
The Bottom Line
While it’s impossible to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke entirely, there are certain precautions that all of us can take, smokers and non-smokers alike.
If you’re an active smoker, remember that your behaviour affects the health of your loved ones just as much as it affects your own. However, making some simple changes can reduce the amount of nicotine and toxins that get into the air around you, protecting those you care about.
If you’re a non-smoker, you can also take certain steps to minimise the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Don’t hesitate to speak up – talk to the smokers around you and make sure to set the necessary boundaries, especially if you have children or other especially vulnerable people close to you.